19. In The Toiling Sunlight

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"Will you be performing Louis..?" The club president questioned - hesitancy lacing his tone as he waited for the other to respond, with an unsure look.
Maybe he had asked a stupid question to the almighty red deer, he wondered.

The latter noticed this sort of nervousness in the president's features and sighed at the fact that people indeed still feared him.
"I don't think I will actually," Louis announced in an oddly pacific fashion.

Small gasps erupted amongst the actors that surrounded Louis. "I'm feeling better-- it's true, but I dont want to perform for now," he started.
"plus, I'm an actor not a dancer."

"B-but you dance really well..!" One of the actors argued - seeming desperate.

"Yes, but dancing is for dancers. This performance will have to be done by dancers." The deer fired back.

"The acting team can't do everything all the time, let them have the spot light.

Meanwhile, we actors can-- I don't know help the art department. With the decorations or something." Louis suggested - definitely not because he wanted to talk to a certain wolf-- of course not!

"Well... they could use a little hand," the pelican admitted before pausing briefly - thinking about the situation at hand. "Has anyone seen Dom?" The pelican asked the other members in the room - trying to get their attention.

"He was in the hallway talking to Kai I think. The two seem pretty close now," "Thanks."

The president turned back to Louis and the others before exclaiming enthusiastically.
"I'll inform him then!"

"Great, let's go help them--"

"Oh! But I want to dance!" A familiar female voice exclaimed - well it sounded more like she was whining,

This bitch, Louis turned towards the female wolf he remembered as Juno - already vexed.
He was yet again throwing daggers at her. Louis didn't like her one bit - her attitude, the way she always seemed to be up to no good.

How she seemed to spread a sense of hostility - towards him for the most part. He recalled how she'd been so close to Legoshi - he had been scrutinizing her deportment whilst she was next to the wolf - whether she was talking or just looking at him, and it was oh so obvious that she was smitten for his wolf friend.

It irked him, to say the least. He detested the way she'd gaze at him in awe or the way she'd turn red - flushed from embarrassment.
It rubbed him up the wrong way - making odium slither through his veins.

He was utterly repulsed by everything she did and he wasn't even trying to conceal it. Sanu - the pelican, that stood next to the hazel eyed deer was halted in his track before he started thinking about the wolf's whining.

"Yeah! I wanna dance too!" Some other girl joined in.

"Alright alright. Those that want to dance can join Sheila, she'll start working on the choreography soon so go talk to her," the pelican replied with a sigh.

"while the others help the art department." He finished.

"I don't want to see any of you slacking off. This needs to be presentable." Louis exclaimed, head up high - showing that he was still the most remarkable person in the room.

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