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"Blow a kiss, fire a gun
We need someone to lean on"

"Blow a kiss, fire a gunWe need someone to lean on"

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23, June, 2023

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23, June, 2023


"So, where is it exactly?" I raised my voice, getting almost everyone's attention and I saw that Narcissa was looking around behind me and not directly at me like everyone else while hugging Niall's arm.

She's expecting Devlin.

Even if she remembers she had told her that she won't come to her wedding maybe that'll change as she gets used to being around everyone again... or just me because of Harry. Narcissa qtried to get to her back like the guys did on our side but she's not picking sides.

Overall, I still have one last idea should save to the side and that idea doesn't have to be all about love.

Niall is the only one left to have a word with her. I was first to see her, then Zayn, then Narciss, then Louis but was acting like a pussy to go up to her after seeing what she had done to Harry in the tunnel as well as the slash across the eyebrow and Niall isn't so sure what to say to her because he knows she wouldn't give a shit and have to repeat herself. Today might be his day. But this can't be all about her, this is about Niall and Narc celebrating their engagement until their wedding day in July.

Since I woke up to Devlin calling me and telling me she found a camera in her room after what we did last night, I couldn't wrap my head around the fact that someone could've been watching us the whole time.
Christ, I'm not even embarrassed if it was either security or Skulls watching us.

My cock even twitched to the thought this morning.

I would've done it again right on camera.

But I don't know who I'm expecting to be the one who was just yet. Even the kiss on the corner of my lips made this voice in my head beg for a real one but I know I don't need a real kiss.

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