The Family Secret 4.0

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"The bastard." Percy growled out, and Dick was stunned how similar his brother looked to Jason in that moment, eyes blazing with fury, teeth grinding together.
That was something Dick had forgotten about Percy, him and Jason had always been far too alike. With goofy smiles and disarming jokes, the two boys had been inseparable, their sense of kinship aided by their similarites and like situation.

After the Pit, Jason had returned to them with avenging anger, a harsh inferno that couldn't help but spill out of him.

Percy hadn't needed a dip in the Pit to be angry.

Unlike Jason, Percy had always had a rumbling fury hidden in him. His mood changing like the weather, from impossibly sunny and carefree to unforgiving anger in but a moment.
Bruce had one time mumbled to himself after one of Percy's famous outbursts, that the young boy's attitude was as unpredictable as the sea. Dick couldn't help but agree.

Whereas Percy came to their family with a hidden fury directed to world, Jason returned to them with it.

"You have once again proven to me that you are not worthy of the trust Father has placed in you. Leave us now, Jackson, I will overlook your misstep as long as I never see you after this day." The unbridled hurt over-lacing Damian's words made Dick wince, the young boy had arrived just a little over a week after the Red Hood and Batman had come to an begruding understanding, one that marked the end of their fighting. The timing was perfect, something Dick nor the rest of them would believe to be a coincidence on Talia's part.
Damian had never seen one of them truly mad at Bruce, the thought almost alien to the young boy.

"Damian.." Dick started, keeping an eye on Percy's tense figure.

He whirled around to face him. "No, Grayson! This is unaccetptable! Father is.." taking a breath, Damian continued with an even voice, "father's last wishes are to be respected! I cannot stand for this..this pariah to blatantly insult father in this matter."

Opening his mouth to respond, Dick racked his brain for the words to say.
His mind whirled, Percy hated Bruce, and Damian hated Percy..
He knew he said it would would be a shit show but holy fuck.

Jason—always being one quick to action—stepped forward and scooped up Dami like a sack of potatoes and briskly walked out of the room. The high pitched screeching that followed them out of the room was..impressive to say the least.

"Welp," Dick started, clapping his hands as he forced a smile to his lips, "shall we sit down?"


"That's a cool bracelet there, Perce." Dick managed to say only mildly awkwardly.
Gods, they were really scraping the barrel for things to talk about.

Percy nodded his head in thanks from the arm chair they had ushered him to. "Thanks, a..friend got it for me." He almost smiled at the use of their earlier lie.

"Oh?" Tim twisted his neck up to look at Percy from his spot right next to him, his eyebrows lifting in curiosity.

"Hm, he likes to go by 'Hermes'. Has a bit of a flare for the dramatic."

"Like after the Greek god?"

Percy hummed in agreement, "yeah, like the god."



With magnificent timing—before the glorious awkwardness of the moment could fully marinate—Todd sauntered through the doorway, a self satisfied grin on his lips. "Baby brat is taken care of," he announced, brushing his hands together.

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