I've only seen our dad cry two other times. Once was at Mom's bedside in the hospital, near the end, and the other time was when he held Katie for the first time, shortly after she was born. She's perfect, son, he said, rocking her gently in his arms.

Dad and Sammy haven't talked in months and I bet it's been at least two or three years since they've seen each other. I think the last time was shortly before Sammy moved out of here to go back to school and finish his law degree in California. Dad came to visit Katie and he and Sam got in a big fight. I don't know exactly what was said between the two of them cuz neither would tell me, but I know it was bad. Dad cut his stay short and Sammy ended up leaving three days earlier than he originally planned.

"I've missed you too, Dad," Sammy replied quietly, fighting back tears himself.

Pulling back to hold Sam squarely by the shoulders, Dad looked him in the eye and said, "I'm proud of you, boy." That's all Dad needed to say to let Sammy know all was forgiven. John Winchester is a man of few words but damn if they don't speak volumes.

"Thanks, Dad," Sammy replied, letting the waterworks fall as he looked at our father and for the first time in perhaps forever, didn't see disappointment on his face.

Amy had no idea what was going on but she knew without a shadow of a doubt, she was witnessing a very special moment between father and son. I set my beer down on the end table and stood behind her. Pressing up against her back, quite enjoying the feel of my cock rubbing against her juicy ass, I wrapped my arms around her, resting my chin on the top of her head as I clasped my hands at her waist. We stood silently watching these two stubborn fools finally let their guard down enough to let the other one in.

Sammy has been at odds with our father for as long as I can remember. Ever since we were little kids, they've butted heads. As much as the two of them would like to believe it's because of their differences, they're more alike than either of them can see. Everyone always accuses me of being a little John Winchester clone but in reality, I take after my mom in so many ways. I think that's why I tried so hard to be like my dad because I knew deep down we weren't really similar at all.

Dad and Sammy however, share many of the same infuriating traits. They're both bull-headed, driven, know-it-alls who can never admit they're wrong or say they're sorry. That's why we're truly witnessing a miracle here. Things will probably always be awkward between the two of them but at least now Sammy knows Dad loves him, despite disagreeing with most of his life choices. I think both of us know deep down we'll never live up to Dad's expectations so the best we can do is keep trying and not shut the guy out of our lives forever.

"Grandpa, Grandpa!" we heard Katie yell, as she came barreling down the hall with all the grace of a bull in a china shop.

Releasing his hold on Sammy, Dad opened his arms to scoop his granddaughter up before she could crash into him.

"What, what, my little peanut?" Dad asked, mimicking her enthusiasm.

"Drew liked my little zebra so much, I let him keep him to cuddle with in his bed tonight," Katie beamed, quite proud of herself for sharing her new gift with her little brother.

"Well that's the second best news I've heard all day," Dad said, tickling her tummy.

"What's the best news, Grandpa?" Katie asked, genuinely curious, and she's not the only one.

"I'll tell you later, peanut, it's a secret," he whispered in her ear. Brushing her hair back from her face, he planted loud sloppy kisses all over her cheeks, making my little girl squeal in delight.

"Okay. You're funny, Grandpa," Katie replied, before yawning wide and laying her head on Dad's shoulder, her little eyes drooping.

I'm just now realizing, it's way past her bedtime and Drew's too.

"Hey, Dad, why don't Amy and I put the kids to bed and Sam can get you settled in the basement. I'm sure you must be tired after that drive and it's been a helluva long day for the rest of us too. I think we could all benefit from an early night tonight."

"No, Daddy!" Katie whined. "I don't want to go to bed."

"Do you want a spanking?" I asked, trying to nip my daughter's impending temper tantrum in the bud.

"NO!" she replied emphatically, giving me an adorable angry little pout.

"Hey," Dad said softly, giving her a couple firm pats on the bottom to get her attention. "You need to listen to your dad and get some sleep, otherwise you'll be too tired for the special surprise I have planned for tomorrow after school."

"What is it, Grandpa?" she replied, trying to stifle another yawn.

"It's a surprise, peanut," Dad answered, setting her down. "But I won't be able to take you if you earn yourself a punishment tonight for disobeying my son." Patting her on the bum again, he said, "Now go on, git."

Amy and I got Katie and Drew tucked into bed and then we soon followed. Dad and Sammy called it an early night as well. Probably a good idea all around, so we're better able to tolerate each other tomorrow. Like I always say, you do for family.

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