Chapter 28: Bad News

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"We're here." Callum spoke calmly as we all looked on at the long rope bridge that had wooden planks placed in the bottom to serve as a form of platform to walk over. I kept close to Rayla as we walked, considering I didn't exactly trust that there wouldn't be an ambush or something similar to that. Rayla seemed to catch onto this and slipped her hand into mine, offering me a warm and reassuring smile. I returned the smile as best I could and turned my attention back towards the large mouth of what looked like a cave.

The bridge turned out to be a lot more sturdy than I imagined, it barely creaked and gave off many signs that it was well built and taken care of. An elf walked out, he held a tall staff that held a light blue orb between two iron pieces at the top of the staff. The elf himself stood tall and kept a formal posture as he approached, he had purple skin, grey eyes, and short, light periwinkle blue hair in an undercut style. There were various white markings stretched along his face, and runic style ones on his arms. On the sides of his head, he had two curved horns, the colorations on them seeming to fade from dark to light. He wore silver elven armor, with a jutting neckpiece and a long green skirt. Underneath his outerwear, he had baggy lavender pants accompanied by similarly colored metal boots.

Rayla slipped her hand out of mine and stepped forwards. "We've brought him home. Azymondias, the Dragon Prince!" She declared proudly, giving the elf a respectful bow. Ezran walked over to Zym and picked him up into his arms.

"He's here to see his mother."

The elf placed a hand over his heart as a small smile tugged at the ends of his lips. "It makes my heart leap to see that he lives." His smile disappeared as he dropped his head. A solemn tone taking over in his voice.

"But you're too late."

We all shared a concerned glance with one another. The elf looked at us all and then gestured for us to follow him. "Please, come in, I'll explain it all. You can leave your mounts out here." He spoke, turning around and leading us inside. I tied up the moon mounts with Rayla, gently petting the Moonstrider on her snout.

Once inside, the elf turned to us all. "The Dragon Queen has not opened her eyes in ten days." A wave of concern washed over us all. "But she's not..." Callum's voice trailed off, the elf quickly shook his head. "No, no, she's not dead." He turned around and led us through. "She lives and breathes, but she is not with us."

We walked in a silence, I took the chance to look around at the states and carved drawings along the walls. They were all along the walls and seemed to hold specific events, that I definitely couldn't name.

"My name is Ibis, mage of the Skywing elves. When I heard that Queen Zubeia was ill, I thought I could use my magic to help her. Losing her mate and her egg had irreparably broken her heart. Finally she closed her eyes, and has not opened them since then." We stood at the entrance of a rather dark tunnel. Ibis turned to us. "Come. I will show you."

The deep snoring of Queen Zubeia echoed through the tunnel. The next thing we heard was Zym's soft paw steps and him letting out a whimper. We turned around and looked at him as he backed up from the tunnel. Nyx instantly trotted away from my side towards him, and looked at him with a sympathetic gaze.

Ezran walked over to him. "Don't worry, Zym. She's your mother." He crouched down in front of him. "Don't you wanna see her?" Zym quickly jumped into Ezran's arms, scared. When Zym backed out of Ezran's arms, Ezran spoke. "You're not ready yet." Zym lowered his head towards the floor. "I understand. It's okay." Ezran assured, standing up. "We'll go in first. I'll be right back." Ezran said walking over to us. Nyx looked between me and Zym. She sat down and looked over at me as if to say she was going to stay with Zym and Bait. I turned and followed the other into the tunnel.

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