Chapter 27: The Storm Spire

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"So, this is it. The.." Callum's voice trailed off as he stared up at the tall mountain. Ezran was riding on the back of Rayla's moon mount, and I put Nyx on the back of my moon mount as I led her by the reins.

"Storm Spire." I informed him. Callum nodded. "And I assume the Dragon Queen didn't make her lair at a nice kinda halfway-up there kind of place?"

"Nope. Tip-top!" Rayla responded. "Might as well get started. Wouldn't want to keep her waiting any longer." I hum, taking a few confident steps forward as I lead the way. When I started to walk up stairs, I realized just how many stairs and how hard this would be.

It became almost too much to keep leading the moon mount so I let her walk up in front and walk behind to the other moon mount. I took in a deep breath and continued walking, Rayla had taken the opportunity to walk beside me. The walk was a quiet and not much happened. 

As we walked, I had thought more on what me and Rayla were. I started to worry about how we would tell the Dragon Queen if it were to come up during conversation. I nervously cracked my knuckles and looked at Rayla, she didn't seem to notice. I cleared my throat and spoke up. "So how do you suggest we tell the Queen about us?" I ask, pointing between me and her. "Uh, I don't think it's gonna come up."

"Ohh, so you think we should keep it a secret. Almost like a forbidden romance." 

"Yes. Yes, that's right." She turned around and walked towards me. She dramatically placed her finger on my lips to silence me. "The Dragon Queen must never know!" She exclaimed.

I placed a hand over my heart and looked away from her. "I understand, Rayla. The world just isn't ready for what we have." I sigh looking out at the fluffy clouds beside us. She playfully smacked me in my side. I let out a soft chuckle and then followed her.

The others had all gone to a stop and here staring up at a archway that had foreign writing on it. It was either writing or symbols, I wasn't exactly sure.

"This is elven writing." Rayla muttered. 

"Can you read it?" Callum asked glancing back at her.

"It says.. Prepare to draw your last breath." 

We all exchanged a weary glance with each other before Ezran walked through the archway. I thought back on what Nyx had said about the air getting thin on the mountain. Could this be what she was hinting at?

It was harder to breathe now, the air was thin and breathing was using up energy. The only ones who didn't seem to be exhausted was Zym, Bait, and the moon mounts. "Please tell me we're almost there." I pant, there wasn't much of a response. Zym flew towards me and landed on my back. 

"Maybe we should just rest here for a second." Rayla spoke, crouching down on one knee to try and catch her breath. I nod in agreement with her and lean against the mountain to catch my breath.

"Guys we can't stop here. We need to keep going."  Ezran spoke, him and Callum were somehow keeping ahead of us and were doing a great job at showing they weren't as tired as us.

When Rayla stands up, I push myself off the side and start walk again. My legs felt weak and it didn't seem like they could continue this for much longer. With the lack of oxygen and the absurd amount of stairs, it seemed like we'd never be able to make it to the top. 

It took about three more flights of stairs before it had to start using the side of the mountain to support myself. "The air's too thin. We can't keep this up." I try calling out to Ezran and Callum. My legs gave out from under me, but Rayla caught me before I could hit the ground. I shot her a grateful smile, she returned the smile. 

it went black and I could feel myself falling onto the ground with Rayla. I fought away as much of the dark void as I could and I saw the blurry figure of Callum who had also fallen unconscious. I thought I saw Ezran turn around, but I was quickly pulled into a dark void before I could confirm it.


"Zaira! Wake up! You gotta wake up!" Ezran's voice became more clear as I began to slip into consciousness. I felt a light headache as I sat up Ezran kept talking and I tried to listen to what he was saying.

"The gateway wasn't a warning. It was the solution!" I looked over at him as he opened up Callum's sketchbook and started to draw something. "What are you talking about?" I ask, slowly starting to remember how hard it was to breathe up here.

"To make it all the way up,  you have to draw your last breath." He showed me the page that had a rune symbol on it. "It's a rune, Zaira!" He took a few more deep breaths. "And the trigger words are Ventus Spiralis."

"How do you know all this?"

"I met an old friend." He explained as I started to draw the rune into the air. I watched as the light blue drawing stayed in the air as I gathered up as much air as I could into my lungs. "Ventus Spiralis." I lightly blew on the rune a a large burst of air surrounded me and filled my lungs with the proper amount of air. Ezran, Callum, Nyx, Bait, and Zym all got the air as well. Although Zym didn't need the burst of air since he had seemed to be doing fine without it. Callum woke up and seemed to slowly remember that he had fallen unconscious from the lack of oxygen.

I looked over and saw Rayla was still unconscious. I instantly crawled overt and shook her shoulder. "Rayla, wake up." I sat her up and she started coughing. She took in a deep breath of the fresh air, and her breathing evened out. "We're going to be okay." I smile. She leaned over and gave me a gentle kiss.

When we pulled away, the others stared at us with confusion. "Hey, that isn't part of the spell." Ezran said looking between me and Rayla. Nyx glared at us skeptically, and Callum just watched in confusion. 

Rayla covered her face and looked away from them. I rubbed the back of my neck nervously and looked away. "Right. Uh, you guys weren't here for that. But uh." I glanced at Rayla and then back at them. "This is a thing now."

"What?" Ezran and the other's looked at us each with confusion before their jaws dropped in shock.

 "Whaat.." Ezran and Callum both spoke in unison. 

Honestly, when you rewatch that scene where they fall unconscious on the Storm Spire while you're sick. It's almost like you can feel how hard it is to breath-
I know from very recent experience..

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