Chapter 3: Bloodthirsty Monsters

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She released. The arrow had practically bounced right off the ribbon and into the ground. Confused, you grabbed the arrow and touched the tip of it to your finger. Wincing in pain, you pulled back you finger and saw it bleed.

"I have never seen a ribbon do that before." I commented as I examined the blood run down my finger. "It's because of this stupid binding spell!" Rayla exclaimed in frustration. "Not sure if it'll help you, but whenever I'm angry, frustrated, or sad. I always like petting Nyx." I said bringing Nyx over to Rayla. She looked at the cat who gave her a happy face. She carefully pet Nyx's head. You could see the her shoulders relaxed from being tense as Nyx let out a purr.

"Thanks.. You never did say how you ended up with her." My eyes widened with surprise. "I don't want to offend you, but I just don't trust any of you guys with that information yet. But later on, I might tell you." You gave a nervous smile to Rayla, who looked a little disappointed in the answer.

The next morning you were sitting down. Feeding Nyx the last of the fish you had. You saw Rayla go over to talk with Callum. But now you heard them talking louder almost to the point of it being a shout. Ezran somehow slept through it. Callum then gave a small speech about princes.

I placed Nyx back into my bag and stood up. Ezran woke up with a yawn. "Callum. I had a weird dream." Callum walked up to Ezran and crouched down. "It wasn't a dream, Ez. All of that was real." Callum said calmly. "Are you sure? There was this giant pink hippopotamus and I pulled it's ear off. Because it was made of taffy."

"Uh.. No that, that was a dream. I thought you meant the elves, the smoke wolves, the dragon egg. That was all real." They continued on. I glanced over at Rayla, she held my gaze for a moment before giving a soft smile and then walking forward towards Callum. I breathed a soft sigh of relief.

"Hey, sad prince." Callum turned towards Rayla.  "Let's get your cube. Just, please, no more detours, all right? Or heartfelt speeches." As we walked through the trail towards the Banther Lodge. Ezran walked forwards. "Hey, guys? Can we-" Rayla quickly interrupted. "We're not stopping yet."

"But I'm-"

"No snacks." She must've really wanted to just get the Banther Lodge cube thing and ten leave and head for Xadia. "I was going to say thirsty." Rayla pulled out a weird bottle with some kind of red liquid in it. Ezran tried to walk over but Callum stopped him. "Uh, no, thank you. We don't drink... that." She looked down at it confused and then back up at Callum.

"Blood." 'Blood?.' You thought and looked over at Callum. He looked to be serious about that "We don't drink blood. We don't mean to be rude, but, uh, you can keep it." Rayla sighed. "It's moonberry juice." She said and opened the bottle, handing it to Ezran. She scoffed and turned continuing to walk. "Is that what humans think we are? Bloodthirsty monsters?"

"No, no, no. It.. it's not that." Callum started but stopped himself. "I mean, I.. I have heard stories but, I'm sure they're just stories."

"Stories?" I echoed. I haven't heard of any stories about moonshadow elves. But, then again I never really heard of a story made from Katolis. "Horrible, awful stories. Oh, look at that, we're here." He said awkwardly and completely ignoring my question. She held out a hand to stop us from walking any further. She hovered a finger just over her lips and then ran to a tree. We just followed her.

"See? No winter, no humans at the winter lodge." He said proudly. "Let's just make this quick. Tell me where the thing is, and I'll be in and out." Callum started drawing on the back of Ezran's backpack. I peered over and looked at it. "Okay, so this is the game room. Cube should be in there." Callum explained before handing the drawing to Rayla. She quickly ran to the house, up the wall and into the window. 

"Like I said, no winter, no humans. Right?" He said turning to me and Ezran. "Yeah, but it is kind of weird there's no one here.. Since this is where Dad was sending us." A loud horn blew in the distance. He all turned and saw a very large group people, the majority were on horseback. And they all, except for one man, were wearing armor of Katolis. Callum shrunk back a bit. "Yeah, we probably shouldn't have come here."

"You think?" I snapped at him. We ran to the front of the house. Ezran stood behind us, quickly hiding the egg. The solider at the front of the group got off her horse, a red-head man behind her got off of his as well. She stared for a hard moment before taking her helmet off and tossing it back towards the red-head. 

"Aunt Amaya!" Ezran exclaimed. Amaya crouched down and gave the boys a death-grip hug. She started signing to them. I then understood why the guy had also gotten off of his horse, she was deaf. "I'm so glad you're safe." The man translated. She turned to me and eyed me, she turned back to the boys and signed at them.

"What's she doing here?" I felt a little offended. She was probably going off of those rumors. Ezran responded. "She's our friend!" Amaya glanced over at me again. She sent an almost dangerous glare. She then got up and looked at the roof. The man signed to her before following her gaze to the open window. Amaya walked forwards to the doors, Callum trying to stop her.

"Oh, uh, that door's locked. So, uh, you wait here for a minute, couple minutes, few.. However long it takes, I'll go find a key." Amaya quickly moved Callum out of the way. And kicked down the door easily. This was one of those times when I was glad I used a bow during combat. "I don't believe in locks." We followed her inside. And she signed again.

"Someone's here." Callum once again stood in front of her. "What? No, no. No one's here but us and all your human troops!" He shouted. "Callum, you know it doesn't help to yell. And why are you saying "human troops" like that."

Trust Is Fragile | Rayla X OC!Reader | Dragon Prince FanfictionOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant