Chapter 24: Sorry...

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"Don't humor her." I shot an amused glance at Rayla, she gave me a very unamused glare. I picked up Zym and showed him to Ethari. "We found the Dragon Prince. The egg wasn't destroyed. And I knew that if we could get him home to his mother, there could be peace." Rayla explained. Ethari reached a hand out to Zym, he sniffed it and then licked it.

"It's a miracle. I can't believe it. But, Rayla, you need to know. The Dragon Queen is dying." Ethari said, his once happy demeanor suddenly turning to one of sadness as he broke the news to us.


"Since the death of her mate, she's fallen very ill." Ethari finished. "We have to get to her. It's the only way." Ethari turned towards the pond, his eyes staring down towards the ground as he pondered for a solution. Ethari looked up and bit down gently on the tip of his thumb and index finger, he let out a loud and short whistle. Two creatures had wasted no time in running over to where we were standing. One of them had a blue mane with blue markings on its body, horns, and face, the creature's build looked to be similar to a big cat's structure. The other one had a more dog-like structure, with slim legs and a long and narrow snout. The markings were a more turquoise color rather than the gentle blue that the other creature had.

The creature gave me an experimental sniff, before gently biting down on my "antlers". I ducked down and managed to get the creature away from my very amazing disguise. I reached my hand out towards the creature, it let out a low growl before placing its face into the palm of my hand.

"I'll send a message to the Dragon Queen. If she knows her little one still lives, perhaps she'll hold on." The creature pulled away after Ethari finished. Rayla got on her mount, I had trouble since my mount was taller than me. I sighed about to give up, but the creature lifted up the hoof closest to me. I glanced over at the creature before grabbing the reins and used the creatures hoof to help boost myself up onto it's back. (if you get that reference then.. well congrats ig-) Zym jumped onto the back of the creature. Rayla looked over at Ethari. "Ethari, can I ever come home again?"

"I don't know." Ethari replied, he grabbed the necklace he had around his neck. He lifted it over his head and placed it around Rayla's neck. "It's a real moon opal. When I gave its match to Runaan, I told him, "My love will be with you even when the moon is not." Goodbye, Rayla." The magic wore off and Ethari's face slowly faded away. Rayla looked away from him and then urged her mount to move forward. I followed her and quickly notice how much more energy my mount had compared to Rayla's.

Zym was flying in front of us, he had gotten a lot better at flying, though there still were times when he'd mess up. Rayla had been pretty quiet the whole way, I did my best not to bother her though. I had mainly focused on just not angering my mount, turns out they were pretty calm and didn't require much with directing them. I looked up still out in her own thoughts, I gently urged my mount to trot up next to Rayla. I looked at her, I felt bad. It must've been terrible for her to know she may never be able to return to her home.

"Are you doing okay? I can imagine yesterday was rough for you." I spoke softly, her brows furrowed together. "Not really." She replied plainly. "You know it's okay if you're not feeling okay. I can listen to whatever it is, emotions can be tough to handle, I should know." Rayla rolled her eyes and just moved forward ahead of me. I brought my mount up next to Rayla's again. "All I'm saying is that you've been through a lot lately, it'd be better if you let someone know about it." Rayla got visibly angry. "Leave me alone." I sighed, my mount glanced back at me. "This is exactly why I don't comfort others." I muttered under my breath. My mount let out an amused purr-like sound.

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