Chapter 26: Feelings

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"Wake up, love bugs! This is your stop." A voice, which was presumably Nyx, dragged me out of a light sleep. I felt Zym sit up from his spot and started growling. I opened my eyes to see Nyx holding her hands out in front of her and backing away from Zym. I looked up towards the sky, deciding that it wouldn't be bad if Zym attacked Nyx. 

A lot had happened last night and just the simple thought of it made my head spin. I ended up falling asleep next to Rayla with Zym on my lap, I had stayed up about an hour or two after Rayla fell asleep. I had mainly just been pondering what would happen next, what else would the world throw at us. 

I stood up and brushed myself off, I looked up towards Nyx. I made sure I wouldn't even have to tell her how untrustworthy I found her to be. She shot me a nervous glance before looking at Rayla. "What do you suggest we do from here?" 

"Well, the dragon's lair is only about a day's journey. They call it the Storm Spire. Big, tall, mountainy-tower thing, pierces the clouds? You can't miss it." Nyx used her hands to try and describe what the Storm Spire looked like. Nyx glanced at us both before flying up to the top of the ambler to slow her down once we reached the edge of the forest.

Nyx helped us lead our mounts onto the ambler's head. The ambler lowered her head down to the ground and let us get off. I didn't has graceful of a landing as Rayla and our mounts. Nyx flew down and landed in front of us, placing her hands on her hips. 

"So, uh, again, thanks for not killing me. You know, for conning you, and then betraying you, stealing your dragon, and leaving you stranded in the desert." She laughed nervously and gave an awkward smile. "No tip?" She asked stretching her hand out. The mounts gave a low growl, and I glared at her. Zym climbed onto my shoulders, and presumably glared at her as well.

 "I suppose that's fair. A word of advice, the air can get pretty thin up there." She spoke winking at us. Nyx gave a quick bow and then fly up to the ambler. She stopped midway and turned to look down at us. "Hey, looks like I gave you a tip! Guess we're even now." Zym turned his head away from her and let out a small dragon scoff.

"Bye." Nyx called down to us when she was on top of her ambler (She's so awkward, I love her).

She rode back into the desert with the ambler, most likely planning to con another person that was in need of help. I watched her until she was completely out of my line of sight. I didn't like her at all, she wasn't reliable. I doubt I'd ever ask her for help again. 

"You doing okay?" Rayla asked, pulling me out of my thoughts. I looked at her and smiled, I nodded. "Yeah, how about you?" Rayla shrugged. "I'll be better once we get Zym back to his mother." I gave out an offended scoff once I got onto my mount. "Is my company not enough for you?" I joked, riding next to Rayla. "No." She spoke with a soft hum, I feigned hurt my placing my hand over my hand over my heart. "Ouch, so cold." I sigh, lightly falling onto my back.

The rest of the ride to the Storm Spire didn't include any hurtful statements. It was peaceful and we were able to grow a little closer and have somewhat normal conversations this time. 

We reached a large clearing that had a tall stone that looked like a dragon reaching out towards the Storm Spire. I held Zym in my arms as we approached it. "Please tell me it's just a statue." I speak softly to Rayla, she just shakes her head and looks up at it. "No. It's not a statue." Zym let out a whine and tried to hide from the statue of his father. "Shh, hey, it's alright." I tried to reassure him, Rayla walked over to me and gave Zym a concerned look. 

A loud screech brought our attention towards the sky. "Is that?." We could see a faint silhouette of a phoenix flying down towards us. "Phoe-Phoe?" She landed in front of us and lowered her head to show Ezran, Callum, Bait, and Nyx (the cat-) on her back. "Ezran?" Zym jumped out of my arms and ran towards Ezran. I stood in complete shock as I looked at Nyx in all of her sassy glory. 

"Nyx!" I could feel my eyes watering at just the sight of her. I ran towards her and slid down onto my knees to catch her in my arms. I held her tightly against me as if she was about to disappear from me at any moment. "Oh, I missed you so much!" I speak softly to her, she lets out a purr in response and rubs her head against mine. (Imagine this adorable scene in your head for a moment <3)

I got up and went over to where the rest of the group was. I held Nyx in my arms as I gave the two a smile. "You guys actually decided to show." I joke before being pulled into a group hug. "What are you two doing here?" Rayla inquired pulling away from the hug.

"Let's just say that being king isn't all its cracked up to be." 

"Are you guys okay?" Rayla pulled away and looked them both up and down to check for any injuries. "We're fine, Rayla! We're safe now." Ezran assures her. "Probably for the better." I huff with a soft smile. 

Phoe-Phoe let out a pained call and fell onto her side. Ezran turned around towards her, "Phoe-Phoe?" Ezran and Callum ran over to her side and Ezran pressed the side of his head against where her heart would be. "Oh, no. She flew the whole way here. She's so tired, but she wouldn't let me stop her." Ezran explained. "You did so good, Phoe-Phoe, and now we made it." Phoe-Phoe lifted her head for a second before letting it drop back down. She let out a heavy exhale and gently shut her eyes.

Ezran let out a small gasp. He hugged Phoe-Phoe. "No! You've got to be okay. You promised me you'd be okay." Callum gently placed his hand on Ezran's shoulder. He turned towards him and then pulled him into a hug. A tear ran down the side of Ezran's face.

Phoe-Phoe's body started to glow, it started from her tail and slowly made it's way to her head. Her whole body glowed in a white fire. A few of the sparks formed together above her, it formed a small blue feather that had streak of dark blue on the top. It floated down onto the ground and Ezran picked up the feather.

"She is going to be okay. She's a Moon Phoenix! When the time is right, she'll be reborn!" His mood suddenly lightened by the new information. He whispered a 'thank you' and laced the feather down where it had originally landed. 

Zym flew to Ezran and started to try play a game with him. They ran around and started to play tag. "I'm going to hang out with Nyx for a while." I spoke softly to Rayla, she nodded and then I walked off to a quiet spot where I could still watch all five of them.

I sat down on the rock and gently pet Nyx on the head. "You know it has been quite the journey without you here. I even met someone named Nyx." I chuckle softly. Nyx sat next to me, intently listening to me as I described everything that had happened while Nyx was with Ezran and Callum. Being back here with my best friend made me realize how much we needed each other. I was definitely not going to part from her again like that. I don't think she could hold herself from scratching up someone for being too talkative.

Rayla walked over towards me and sat down beside me. I flash her a smile before looking back out towards the Storm Spire. "Callum's having some mixed feelings about being here." Rayla spoke softly, I shrugged. "Seems a little too late to put Zym back in that creepy basement." I chuckle lightly. Rayla just shook her head and tried to hide her smile by looking down.

"How about you? How are you feeling?" She asked looking over at me. I looked at her, her eyes were filled to the brim with trust. It was a wonderful thing to see. "If I'm being honest, I'm feeling better than I ever have. With you all right here, it's almost like nothing can go wrong." I admit. Rayla nods and then slips her hand into mine. Her thumb gently runs over my knuckles and we look back out towards the tall Storm Spire.

Uh, here you go .,.

{-} 1526 Words {-}

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