Chapter 1: Where Did The Time Go?

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A black-haired girl sat cross-legged on a bench in the shade. Her curly hair was tied up into a messy bun. Her dark skin carried few scars along her arms and lip. The cool night comforted her as it shared her loneliness. Her deep forest-like green eyes, staring down at her bow that laid still in her lap. The girl's hands carefully tracing the markings she had drawn into it when she was little. A soft smile tugged at her face as she remembered the fond memories she had with the bow. There was a soft meow from behind her. She turned her head back towards a black cat. Her black cat, Nyx. She named her after the Goddess of the night.

"Hey, Nyx." She said softly rubbing the cat's chin. Nyx let out a loud purr as she did so. Footsteps broke her attention off the small cat, she glanced up and saw two people passing by. They glanced over at her with a scowl on their face. She subtly flipped them off with an angry glare.

"Humph.. Outcast."

One of them said quietly. Thought she knew darn well they wanted her to hear that. She looked down to her bow as her grip on it tightened with frustration. Zaira so badly wanted to lash out at them, maybe even shoot an arrow through their heart. Or where their hearts would be if they had one. Nyx rubbed against her for comfort.

Zaira found Nyx when she was a kitten. Another outcast in the kingdom, she took her in and they quickly bonded. Nyx was the only thing that Zaira put her trust and love into.

She got up and walked back to her house, Nyx was in her arms. She lived with her parents, but like everyone else that lived in this kingdom, they didn't treat her kindly. They only ever gave her portions of food so she wouldn't starve, she managed to convince her parents when she was smaller that she could only eat fish. Then on her parents gave her portions of fish, she always shared it with Nyx. Despite the happiness she had with Nyx, her nights were always filled with her thoughts as she suffered from insomnia.

╭─〔❨✧ The Next Day ✧❩〕─╮

Zaira was now leaning against a tree. It was a good morning so far. No one even looked at her weird or said anything rude towards her. She took that opportunity to sharpen her arrows. Nyx was curled up in a ball next to her. Everything would've been perfect if it wasn't for the sword practice going on in the clearing.

She glared up at the two. One of them was absolutely terrible at it. Prince Callum you believed it was. A soft smile formed on your face as you watched the Prince be defeated over and over by the Crowngaurd. Zaira focused back on sharpening her arrows.

There was suddenly a loud shout.


Your gaze snapped up and was met with a girl who was wearing a long black dress with gold markings. She glanced down at you realizing how close she was to just stepping on you. The girl, who you assumed was Claudia, gave you an apologetic smile before turning around towards the Crownguard and Prince Callum.

"Oh. Hi, Callum!"

She said in a voice that you knew could only belong to someone that was untrustworthy. You rolled your eyes and went back to sharpening, muttering something the others couldn't hear. Nyx gave a low growl only you could hear as she moved into your lap.

"Is this new?"

"Relatively new. It's only been there for 300 years." Claudia chuckled and then sat down. The boys went back to.. Something you didn't think could be classified as fighting.

"Oh, oh, I am stabbed! By the stab-prince!" The Crownguard fell to the ground with a loud thud. He was holding a sword still between his arm as if to show he had really been stabbed. "Lord Stabbington! Why? Spurt!"

I put away the now sharpened arrow and pulled out a dull one and started sharpening it. If the Crownguard kept this up you swore you'd stab him yourself, except it wouldn't be fake.

"Nice work, Callum! He deserves it." Claudia said. Things finally went quiet after Prince Callum was called up to see the king. Soren and Claudia eventually left with their father. And you were left in the clearing, thankfully.

Of course, that peace came to an end when Prince Ezran and Prince Callum came back. The small boy's toad leaped out of his arms and walked towards you. Before it could touch me or Nyx, I took out one of my, now sharpened, arrows and pointed it at the toad.

"One step closer and I'll gut you.." I warned as if it would respond. There was just a croak and then Prince Ezran came running and picked him up. "Sorry! He likes to wander, he told me himself."

I raised a brow at him. 'What? The frog told Ezran he likes to wander?'  I thought completely confused. "Mmh.. Whatever." I said softly and put back your arrow. Callum carefully came over, he knew of the fake rumors about you. He gaze a worried glance towards Ezran as he continued.

"What's your name?" I looked at him. Didn't seem of too much trouble. "Zaira.. What's it to you?" "That's a cool name! I haven't heard it before." He completely ignored my question. "I love your cat. What's her name?"

"Nyx." I said not making eye contact with the princes anymore,

The prince just wouldn't leave me alone. Though as we talked I had to admit, it was nice to have someone that didn't see me as an outcast, runt, or useless. It doesn't change the fact that I still didn't trust him though, it could all just be a giant trick leading up to him breaking me down just like everyone else.

"Callum do you think Zaira can come with us to the Banther Lodge?" The other male looked surprised. "Uh.. Maybe, they might let us." Callum responded nervously. Ezran seemed to look so happy. I glanced over at Callum. I didn't think you had much of a choice in this.

"Zaira, you should get packed then.." Callum said to me. I glared at him for a few moments, he seemed to almost cower under my gaze. I glanced away backing off and nodded. "We'll try and meet you back here." Ezran said.

"Alright." I said simply and got up. The two boys walked off towards the castle, I turned back towards my house, Nyx trailing behind.

When I opened the door, I was greeted with my parents sitting at the table in silence. They only just glanced at me. Closing the door to my room I shut my eyes trying to get rid of the image my parents gave me. The again, it was the same look they always gave me. My eyes traveled up at the ceiling fighting back tears, they looked disappointed in me.

The thought of leaving this place made a smile, that was genuine, form on my face. A soft sigh left my lips as I grabbed a bag and started packing up the things I'd need. Food, a pocket knife, some supplies that could help me clean and care for my bow, and of course a thick fabric Nyx could sit on inside the bag. I picked Nyx up and placed her into bag, she didn't move as I picked it up and placed it over your shoulders.

You looked in the mirror that was in your room. Last you looked in the mirror, you were a little girl that was just barely able to look at herself. Happy and kind.. Now you looked at you now, a 5'5 girl who was soon to be turning 16. The time seemed to speed by as you just tried to push on. Your eyes trailed down to the floor. You stood there for a moment before leaving your room and then leaving the house without a word to your parents who didn't even flinch at the front door closing shut.

You stood in the same clearing mostly bored. Ezran suddenly running up to you. He looked like he was excited but also a little scared. "Zaira! I'm glad you're here, but I have to show you something!"

You didn't have time to think as Prince Ezran just dragged you behind him towards the castle. He led us towards Lord Viren's quarters. Nyx moved around slightly in the bag due to the sudden burst of movement.

"Here behind this painting!" He said pointing to a large painting with a red-headed girl and some lambs around her. Ezran opened it and led me inside, we stayed there quietly. "Why did you bring me here?" I finally asked.

"I have to show you and Callum something." You watched him with a skeptical gaze as you gripped your bow.

Trust Is Fragile | Rayla X OC!Reader | Dragon Prince Fanfictionजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें