Chapter 13: Secrets In The Dark

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It was early morning. I had heard Lujanne leave earlier to start her day. I stayed there laying on my side. Sighing, I sat up and quickly noticed that Rayla had been in the middle of the bed rather than the side. Quite close to where I had been sleeping, I felt myself grow a little red in embarrassment knowing now she had been that close and I had no clue. 

I got up deciding to start my day before Rayla had to feel that embarrassment as me. When i opened the door, Nyx quickly got up and followed me. I smiled and walked out, with Nyx at my heels.

Nyx walked in front of me with her tail held up high, showing how happy she was. It seemed we managed to slip in another day of staying here because of Claudia and Soren's appearance. I was still ready to end up fighting them, however, Callum might've been able to convince them on us all being on the same side. 

I was walking around with Nyx. Eventually, I ran into Lujanne. She noticed my wandering. "Finally found nothing to do?" She joked with a smile. I forced out a chuckle. "I guess, just really trying to pass the time."

Lujanne nodded. Her eyes stared in front of her for a few moments. "Well, if you'd like, you can help me. I'll mainly be working in the library(I couldn't find what it was called 😭) so you can join me. If anything, you might learn a thing or two about Moon Magic."

I felt a little caught off guard by the offer. I didn't have anything to do, and it might be an interesting experience. I gave a nod. "Sure, be nice to feel a little helpful while I'm here." Lujanne nodded and showed me to where she'd mainly be today. 

Throughout the whole day, Lujanne showed me what she could of Moon Magic. It was interesting to learn. I felt helpful, even though I was mainly helping her move around magical artifacts in preparation for the full moon.

Lujanne turned to me. "Oh, Zaira, can you go fetch me the crystals from my cabin? They should be in the drawer." I nodded. "Of course!" I turned and exited the building. Everyone seemed to be doing their own thing.

It was fine with me, they seemed to be enjoying themselves. Well, except for Rayla. I walked into the cabin and quickly made my way over to Lujanne's bed where two nightstands were placed beside it. I opened the top drawer and instantly spotted the crystals Lujanne had been talking about. 

I grabbed a small blue cloth and carefully wrapped the crystals with it. I turned around towards Nyx, who had been patiently waiting by the door. I walked over and led the way out.

When I walked towards the building, I heard two voices inside. Rayla and Lujanne. Quietly opening the door, I was able to hear their conversation more clearly.

"I need my friend to trust me, but he doesn't. And I think its my fault. I've been keeping a secret from him, hiding the truth." This was sounding familiar. I couldn't help but feel guilty at the thought of me relating to the topic. "Rayla, look at the moon. Light only falls on half of its face right now, but that doesn't mean the other half isn't there."

I took quiet steps closer, to a spot that was less open. "And it is the same with you. There are parts you keep hidden." Lujanne explained. "If I want him to trust me, don't I have to stop hiding the truth?" Rayla asked. "Real trust is about accepting the dark parts even we will never know."

"No. No, I don't think that's right. Lying and hiding the truth aren't that different. Strong relationships require honesty, the full truth." Lujanne let out a soft laugh. "Oh! Now you sound like my first three husbands." Rayla simply ignored the comment. "I'm afraid of hurting him, but I owe him the truth. I can't leave Callum in the dark any longer."

"I have to tell him what happened to his dad." I bit down on my tongue, could I have just been afraid like Rayla? Was I just afraid of admitting? Possibly. 

"Hmm. I'm glad my wisdom helped." Lujanne spoke. "It didn't. it was wrong." Rayla said turning to walk away. "Was it? Or was it just differently true?" I watched as Rayla left. I quickly walked up the steps toward Lujanne. I gave her the cloth holding the crystals.

"Here. I have to go, it was nice helping you out and learning a few things about Moon Magic." I quickly thanked her and turned around to where Rayla left. I could hear the soft tapping of Nyx's paws behind me as she followed.

When I walked out of the building, I glanced around in an almost desperate search for Rayla. It had only taken, a minute to find her in the distance heading towards the Moonhenge. 

I caught up with her, swiftly catching my breath before speaking. "Rayla, I need-" Rayla interjected as she saw me, she looked grateful for my presence. "Zaira, I'm going to tell Callum, about the king. I think it'd be better if you were there too." I looked down to the ground, I let a small nod. I wouldn't have time to tell her after, Callum's going to be devastated.

"Callum?" I looked up and saw Callum walking out of the shadows from the Moonhenge. His head was hanging so we couldn't see his face. "Oh, I'm so glad you're here. We need to talk." Callum looked up, he had tears falling down from his eyes.

"I know what happened. He's gone." Callum put a hand to his face to try and stop his tears. "Oh, no." Rayla softly said. I felt guilty for not telling him. Neither of us had the courage to. Callum's attempt at stopping his tears fail as more just seemed to fall.

"Did you know?" Callum asked as the realization hit him. I opened my mouth to speak, but decided against it knowing only a lie would come out. I just gave a small nod. He turned to Rayla who also nodded. Callum angrily pushed past us and walked away as he wiped away his tears.

I could see Rayla glancing over at me and then back to Callum. She walked forward, lightly tugging at my wrist, urging me to follow her. I obliged and followed her as she tried to reason with Callum.

"Callum, I'm sorry. I tried to tell you the king was dead." Rayla said as we trailed behind him, both hesitant to touch him or step in front of him. Callum turned around towards us. "My stepdad. He was more than just the king to me."

Rayla quickly realized her mistake but continued. "Your stepdad. I know. I really tried, but I could never find the right way. And whenever I tried, I messed it up, and the next time was harder, until-" I think she would've kept on rambling if Callum didn't interrupt.

"Rayla, just stop. I can't talk about this right now. All I can think about is how I'm going to tell Ezran our father is gone." I bit down on my tongue as Callum turned and walked away. "I'm sorry, Callum. I'm so, so sorry." Rayla apologized for the hundredth time.

I looked over at Rayla. "We should just leave him alone for a bit." I said softly, Rayla nodded.

"I'll just head back to the cabin." Rayla just nodded again. I turned and walked back to the cabin. I kept my eyes facing towards the ground. Nyx looked up at me for a few moments before looking straight ahead.

What a day..

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