Tape Recordings & Journal Entrys

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Okay, I had the urge to write more on Zaira's past. I don't really have the energy to slowly write the next chapter, so for now enjoy some bits and pieces of Zaira's past. And I know, it's been over a week just keeping up with being in honors and tons of shit piled up on me leaves not a lot of time to write, so bear with me, I will try and write another chapter as of now I have a 4-day weekend and will be able to write more. Thank you for your patience.

???'s POV

I sat down at the desk in my room. The darkness slowly creeping in and settling down as I open a drawer to reveal about 10 pages that were ripped out of their original journal and 5 tapes that each had a small label on them. I picked up the first tape I saw and read the label.

Tape recording #2

I let out a soft exhale before pressing down my finger on the tape.


Laughter flowed out of the tape as it started to play back the memory of what had been recorded.

"I bet you could shoot anything that dares to challenge you when you grow up!"

"Yeah! I could become one of the greatest guards Katolis has ever seen!"

The conversation was replaced with cheering, small thuds were heard. Though, listening more closely they came out as knocks.


"It's time for you to go home,-"

A name was spoken but something had interfered with the audio causing it to come out distorted and very unclear. My grip tightened as I knew exactly what had been spoken. The tape continued on.

"Zaira, clean up this mess before your cousins arrive."

The voice spoke again as it came out stern and cold.

"Okay.. Bye!"

A cheerful voice piped up. Faint footsteps were heard. The door was closed shut.


I sat there in silence. I stared at the tape. What had gone wrong throughout those years. A paper sat on top of all the others, a beautiful cursive handwriting filled the page with careful and meaningful words. I reached down and picked it up. My eyes boring into the page as I didn't bother to read what was written on the page just yet. 

Finally, I looked up to the first word and started to read.

March, 31st

Its finally come, my 14th birthday. Nothing has changed. My parents don't even bother to talk to me, Katolis still hates my guts, and of course my life hasn't even had the smallest light shine through. The days are starting to blur together and sometimes I can't even remember what day it is. The only things that are keeping me sane is Nyx and my bow, nothing else. All my feelings being bottled up like this hurts, but it's working so far. Sometimes I wonder if-

My head shot up as I heard my name be called from down the hall. I get up and walk away from the desk, leaving the paper stranded and cold under the soft lamp light that shined onto the desk.

{-} 507 Words {-}

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