History repeating 1x09

Start from the beginning

"I listen. When do I not listen?"


Caroline and Bonnie reconsile as Elena and I listen and we decide to do a seance even thou I think it's bad idea I somehow agreed.

"I don't think that's a good idea."Bonnie says to us.

"I agree."I tell them

"Come on. Let's summon some spirits. This Emily chick has some serious explaining to do."Caroline tell us.We tried to do it in Elena's room and it fails us it ended in Bonnie screaming in a bathroom and walking out looking fine which is weird. Caroline leaves and I decide to follow Bonnie  because somethings not right I go to my room grab Blackthorn family amulet filled with magic of my ancestors from which I can siphon if I need.

 Caroline leaves and I decide to follow Bonnie  because somethings not right I go to my room grab Blackthorn family amulet filled with magic of my ancestors from which I can siphon if I need

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I heard a scream and rushed downstairs to see Jeremy with Elena and Caroline and Bonnie gone. Care leaves and Elena explains me everything as she talks to Stefan and we rushed to the church ruines.


Stefan, Elena and I arrive at church ruins and see Damon with a brunch in his stomach and Stefan helps him as Damon complains about animal blood.

"Stefan."Emily/Bonnie says.

"Hello, Emily."

"These people don't deserve this. They should never have to know such evil."

"What do you mean evil?"

"Emily. I swear to God, I'll make you regret this."Damon tells her.

"I won't let you unleash them into this world."She tells him as Elena and I silently watch.

"Them? What part of the story did you leave out, Damon?"

"What does it matter?"Damon asks Stefan.

"Emily, tell me what you did."He demands.

"To save her, I had to save them."She reveals.

"You saved everyone in the church?"He asks shocked.

"With one, comes all."

"I don't care about them. I just want Katherine." Damon tells her.

" I knew I shouldn't have believed a single word that comes out of your mouth. This isn't about love, is it? This is about revenge. "Stefan tells him.

"The two aren't mutually exclusive." Damon, you can't do this."

"Why not? They killed 27 people, and they called it a war battle. They deserve whatever they get."

"27 vampires, Damon. They were vampires. You can't just bring them back."

"This town deserves this."

"You're blaming innocent people for something that happened 145 years ago."

"There is nothing innocent about these people, and don't think for a second it won't happen again. They already know too much, and they'll burn your little grandwitch right next to us when they find out. Trust me."

"Things are different now."Emily tells him.

"Don't do this."He plead with her.

"I can't free them. I won't."She says and starts to chant"Incendia!".

The pentagram Emily carved into the dirt around her is set ablaze, and flames create a wall between Emily/Bonnie and Stefan, Damon, Elena and me.

"No! No please." Damon yells.

"Bonnie!"Elena and I yell.


Bonnie/Emily throws the necklace into the air, and it explodes above them. Once the spell is complete and the crystal is destroyed, Emily departs from Bonnie's body. Bonnie finally reawakens, and looks around in horror, having no idea what had just occurred. Damon is furious, and since his deal with Emily is off, he bites Bonnie and feeds on her. Elena yells in fear I start siphoning my necklace and throw Damon off of Bonnie. Stefan kneels next to Bonnie and checks her pulse.

"She's alive, but barely. I can save her."He tells us.He bites into his wrist and dribbles his blood into Bonnie's mouth an heals her. Elena watches in shock as her wound closes up right before her eyes.

"Her neck, it's healing."She says shocked.

"Vampire blood heals people."I tell her.


Elena, Bonnie and I are standing near where Bonnie was attacked.

"I don't understand, Elena, Ana, what happened to me? He attacked me, and his face was like..."

"How do you feel? Are you okay?"I ask her.

"I'm fine. It's just this blood. I don't..."She says as Stefan approaches us, and Bonnie immediately becomes frightened and weary of him.

"I'm not gonna hurt you."He tells her.

"What's going on, Ana?"

"I'll explain everything, Bonnie. Okay? Let's just get out of here. Bonnie. Bonnie, look at me. Trust me. He's not going to hurt you. Come on. Come on."I tell her as I lead her to car and leave Stefan and Elena to talk.

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