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Aira was sat in a room in the haveli. She was waiting for her mother after she finished getting ready. Dressed in the white shalwar kameez that Asmat gifted her. Her face was adorned with simple makeup, letting her natural beauty dominate.

She was brought out of her thoughts when someone knocked on her door. "Come in." she said as she looked in the mirror.

"Airaaaaaa, I'm sooo happy for you. I can't believe we're turning our friendship and sisterhood into an actual relation, I'm soo happy you're going to be my sister-in-law." Zaynab said as she walked in.

"Zaynab appi? I thought ammi was coming to get me." Aira said as she was a little surprised Zaynab came.

"Azra aunty wanted to come but I told her I want to surprise you. Are you ready? I came to take you downstairs." Zaynab told her.

"Zaynab appi, do I look okay? I don't want to go downstairs. Everyone's going to be looking at me. What if I fall in front of everyone? Everyone's going to laugh at me." Aira ranted on as she let her nerves get to her.

"Calm down Aira, take a deep breath. Don't worry , you look gorgeous. Zayaan bhai won't stop looking at you." Zaynab said reassuring Aira.

"Now stop worrying and let's get going." Zaynab said as she guided Aira towards the door.

Aira took a deep breath and kept her head down, not having the courage to face the reality. She made her way to the stairs, the whole house was covered in fresh flowers including the staircase after all it was Zayaan Khan's engagement.

Zayaan couldn't keep his eyes off her as she descended down the stairs, looking no less than a fairy. He was indeed lucky to have her in his fate. He muttered "Ma'sha'Allah" as Aira got closer and closer to him.

He stood up and helped Aira settle down next to him. He looked at Aira, hoping to make eye contact with her but she kept her head casted down.

The new couple exchanged rings as the engagement ceremony progressed. Zayaan couldn't believe it, it was not far till she was fully his.

"Bhai, get closer to Aira and Aira look up and smile." Zaynab instructed as she started taking photos.

Aira sucked her breath when she felt Zayaan shifting closer to her. She didn't dare to make a sound whilst breathing.

"Airaa, hurry up and look up. I'm getting hungry. I need to eat after this." Zaynab said whilst pouting.

Aira slowing looked up but she still didn't dare to smile properly.

"Ammi." Aira said in a low voice, hoping her mother heard her.

"Ji beta." to Aira's luck, Asmat heard her instead of her mother. 

"Badi ammi, I'm hungry and tired. Can I go back to the room to eat and rest?" Aira said looking at Asmat hopefully.

"Ji Aira beta, just go to the room and I'll have someone send the food to you." Asmat said and Aira sighed in relief.

She quickly made her way upstairs unknown to the eyes that didn't move from her all night.

She was waiting on the sofa facing the window when someone finally brought her food. She thanked the servant and ate a little as she wasn't ghat hungry, it was only an excuse to get hide from everyone's eyes. She didn't even have the courage to look at Zayaan.

She was busy eating when someone entered her room without even knocking.

"So this the real you." A voice unknown to her said.

Scared she turned around and looked confused as she didn't know the woman standing in her room.

"I'm sorry aunty, but you must have the wrong person." Aira said to the unknown lady.

"You don't know me but I know you really well now." the lady rudely said.

Before Aira could say anything the lady continued saying "I sent my son's proposal for you but you denied that and somehow managed to get your way into Zayaan's life. Don't get excited thinking you're going to rule this whole house. Zayaan definitely doesn't even like you and I'm sure he's getting forced to marry you. He has always liked my daughter and that won't change even if you get married." The lady turned out to be Khalida, she felt extremely humiliated knowing that Asmat even managed to get Aira. Asmat had won once again.

"I'm sure there's a misunderstanding aunty, I don't even know you and your son. I'm unaware of any proposal." Aira replied in a shaky voice, she was her parents princess and this was the first time she was experiencing someone being rude to her.

"No need to act, I know girls like you. All you see is money and don't worry Zayaan only wants my daughter, you're definitely being forced upon him." Khalida said before she left the room.

Aira stilled not knowing how to react. She was still processing what had just happened. She had a feeling Zayaan didn't like her but this lady confirmed it to her and Aira didn't know how to feel. She felt numb but she didn't know what to do.

She shook as grabbed her phone and called her mother "Ammi, I'm quite tired. Can we go home? I'm sleepy." Aira said and quickly ended the call. She desperately wanted to be in her bed.

"What happened Aira? Are you okay?" Before Aira knew, Azra was already in the room.

"I'm fine ammi, I'm just sleepy. You know I normally sleep really early and it's quite late for me. Please can we go home?" Aira said trying her best to smile.

Not feeling like anything was off, Azra said "Okay beta, just wait a bit. I'll tell your baba to start getting ready to go." And she exited the room.

Before Aira knew, they were already home. Aira ran to her bathroom and took a hot shower. In no time she got in bed and fell asleep, she didn't want to think about that rude aunty's words.

As she slept soundly, her soon to be other half couldn't sleep out of happiness. Aira and Zayaan were soon going to be one.

Word count- 1027

A longer chapter than usual to make up for the slight short previous chapter.

My aim is to update at least once daily but I'll try uploading 2-3 times a day.

Happy reading and don't forget to vote🤍🤍

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