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"Asmat ji, Zaynab's wedding was done really nicely." said Khalida.

"It's all due to Allah." replied Asmat as she drank her tea.

"But Asmat Ji, I'm here to talk about something important today." Khalida said with her full attention on Asmat.

"Go ahead, don't hesitate." Asmat said as she looked at Khalida, wondering what was going on in the cunning woman's head. Khalida was known to always do things that benefited her and Asmat not really liking her, usually maintained a distance from her.

"Don't you think I should get Azfar married? He's already 25." Khalida said.

"Yes it's a good age to get married at. Do you need my help finding a decent girl?" Asmat said trying to figure out the purpose behind Khalida talking with her.

"I saw a girl at Zaynab's wedding. Her name's Aira and I've heard you're really close to them. I would really appreciate you talking to them about the proposal." Khalida told Asmat.

"I'll discuss the matter with Azra." Asmat said getting up, she knew Zayaan had some sort of interest in the girl and like any other mother she wanted her son to be happy in life.

"Okay we should leave now. It's getting pretty late." Khalida said getting up. She hugged Asmat and departed.

As she left she made a jealous face, jealous of Asmat. Asmat had everything she didn't have. Asmat was more powerful, more rich and prettier than Khalida. Khalida never liked her but she had to act like she was civil with Asmat.

Zayaan heard their conversation as he was stood at the top of the stairs. His heart dropped, was he going to lose her before she was even his?

As soon as Khalida left, Zayaan rushed downstairs to Asmat. "Ammi, please don't talk to Aira about the proposal." Zayaan said fearing he was going to lose her.

"Why Zayaan?" Asmat questioned.

"Ammi I..." Zayaan blushed as he felt shy confessing his feelings.

Asmat laughed looking at the blush on Zayaan's face. Her tough and scary son was at a loss of words for the first time in his life.

"My lovely beta, I know you better than you know yourself. Don't worry I was going to take your proposal to Azra. Why will I snatch my son's happiness and willingly give it to someone else?" Asmat said with loving eyes.

"Ammi I love you." Zayaan said as he hugged Asmat. Asmat giggled looking at her son being soo emotional.


"Aira stop working. It's late at night and you've been working nonstop since morning." Azra said as put the glass of milk on Aira's desk

"Ammi I'm soo stressed. My finals are coming up and I feel soo unprepared. But you're right, I should sleep now. I can wake up for Fajar and work then." Aira said as she took her glasses off and placed them on the desk. Aira only needed glasses whilst she was working.

Aira feeling tired of being inside all day long decided to go on a night walk. As their house was just behind the haveli, it was pretty safe at night to walk.

Aira walked around lost in her thoughts. Not noticing the figure approaching her from behind.

"Aira" someone said as they touched her shoulder to gain her attention.

"AAAA" Aira screamed as she got scared out of nowhere.

She calmed herself as she saw the person, it was Zayaan.

"Zayaan bhai you scared me." Aira complained and pouted.

Zayaan laughed looking at her expression. She was always soo obvious with her feelings, always displaying them on her face.

"Sorry, I called you multiple times and you didn't answer me." Zayaan explained himself.

"It's okay Zayaan bhai." Aira said as she continued gazing at the moon.

"It's late, why are you outside at this time." Zayaan asked as he looked at his moon, Aira.

"I have an exam tomorrow so I was busy studying all day. Just came outside from fresh air." Aira said as she yawned.

"I'm feeling tired now. Goodnight Zayaan Bhai." Aira said looking at Zayaan.

"Goodnight and good luck." Zayaan smiled as he made eye contact with Aira.

Both made their ways to their room and had sleepless nights. One due to stress because of her exam and the other due to his mother knowing his feelings for a little someone.

Happy reading~~~

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