Chapter 22

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Narrator's POV:

Standing before a luxurious door crafted from smooth ebony, a tall man pauses, letting out a sigh. Without waiting for an invitation, he knocks and then pushes the door open, a habit born of familiarity.

"Yoongi?" He peeks into the room, which resembles more a studio than anything else, searching for something. Or perhaps, someone.

The room is initially silent, seemingly empty, until a voice from within pierces the quiet.

"Come in."

Mr. Choi, upon hearing the voice, steps inside and gently closes the door behind him. He moves quickly, a sense of urgency in his steps.

Seated in a studio chair, amidst the dim light that somehow makes the large desk before him gleam, is Yoongi. He looks up from his laptop, his face betraying no emotion.

"What do you need?" Yoongi's voice is laced with a seriousness that holds a note of curiosity. It's uncommon for Mr. Choi to visit without being summoned first.

Mr. Choi hesitates for a moment, then clears his throat and adjusts his glasses, gathering his thoughts.

"Uh... Yoongi, there's something we need to discuss," he begins, his voice betraying a touch of hesitance not characteristic of him. Mr. Choi is known for his confidence, but in Yoongi's presence, he adopts a tone of respect and caution.

Yoongi raises an eyebrow, intrigued, as he closes his MacBook with a soft click.

"Go on."

Taking a seat across from Yoongi, Mr. Choi's expression turns serious, almost worried.

"It's about Y/N, and her well-being," he says, adjusting his glasses once more, ensuring they sit perfectly on the bridge of his nose.

The shift in Yoongi's demeanor is immediate, his casual curiosity replaced with a focused intensity. He senses the gravity of the conversation they're about to have.

"I helped her with her medications today, and she seemed... off," Mr. Choi shares, his concern evident.

Yoongi remains silent, giving nothing away as Mr. Choi takes a deep breath before continuing.

"I know you truly care for her..." he starts again, cautiously. "But administering three falcons at once-"

"Are you questioning my decisions?" Yoongi interrupts sharply, his voice cold and challenging, a clear glare directed at Mr. Choi.

Mr. Choi's eyes widen slightly, but he quickly shakes his head.

"No, I'm not. You know that, Yoongi," he replies, urgency coloring his tone.

"Leave," Yoongi's command is curt, his voice now stripped of any warmth.

Mr. Choi knows he's overstepped, but his genuine concern for Y/N propelled him to speak up, a rare defiance against Yoongi's usual directives.

With a heavy sigh, Mr. Choi stands and makes his way out of the studio, leaving behind a heavy silence that was momentarily disturbed.

Yoongi sits motionless for a moment longer, lost in thought, before returning to his laptop. He types for a few moments, then leans back, allowing himself a brief respite. Yet, his gaze soon sharpens, and a smirk, unsettling in its implication, crosses his face. He lets out a burst of twisted laughter.

"Oh, Y/N," he whispers, almost affectionately, after regaining his composure. "You'll learn to love your own cage, sooner or later."

He says with a twisted voice before he decides to close the laptop with a definitive click, whose screen previously displayed the CCTV footage of the bathroom, where Y/N was unknowingly being watched.

He says with a twisted voice before he decides to close the laptop with a definitive click, whose screen previously displayed the CCTV footage of the bathroom, where Y/N was unknowingly being watched

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 24 ⏰

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