Chapter 7

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"My name is Min Yoongi."

I stare at him trying to metabolize his answer but after a few seconds I shell my eyes realizing what his name is.

Convincing myself that I definitely heard wrong, I lean forward and ask him to repeat his name.

"I'm sorry, I didn't catch your name. Could you repeat it slowly?" I ask in a trembling voice trying to remain calm.

Upon hearing my question, he chuckles slightly and immediately clears his voice.

"I told you my name is Min Yoongi," he replies in a calm tone, emphasizing the pronunciation of his name.

After hearing his name clearly, my heart begins to beat slightly fast.

He cannot be that Min Yoongi.

But now that I pay attention to it, the fact that their voices and eyes look very similar makes me have some doubts.

"Min Yoongi?" I repeat.

He nods observing me confused.

"Are you okay? You look a little pale, do you want something to drink?" He asks in a rather worried tone.

I clear my throat and try to pull myself together.
Maybe I'm just overreacting.

After all, the real Min Yoongi wouldn't even deign to look at me, let alone talk to me.

I'm simply imagining things, there's no use getting worked up.

"No, it's okay. I was just thinking," I admit with an embarrassed chuckle.

"What were you thinking about?" He asks.

"Just futile things, I don't-"

"About what?" he asks me, emphasizing his question.

"Your name...sounds familiar," I reply in a thoughtful tone.

"I know," he admits with a laugh.

"I know who you are referring to, however, unfortunately I have to ask you to reduce your expectations to zero, because I am not the Min Yoongi you're talking about" he tells me.

He leans back against the back of the chair, focusing his full attention on me.
I meanwhile lower my gaze and fiddle with the fingers of my sweaty palms.

"Excuse me, I'm a big fan of him, that's why-"

"I know, you told me the last time we met," he stops me.

I nod not knowing what to say.
I must have sounded stupid to him, but I might as well drop this pointless topic now.

As we remain silent, he pulls something out of his sweatshirt pocket and hands it to me.

His phone.

"I want your phone number," he states in a tone that sounds almost needy.

I stare at his phone with a confused expression, and after a few seconds I pick it up and type in my number.

As soon as I save my contact among his contacts, I give him the phone back.

"I will text you tonight," he tells me putting the phone back inside his pocket, "Answer me, will you?"

In response I smile and nod at him.

"And see if you can let go of the person who stood you up today. It's not worth it to talk to people who don't even give you explanations, do you understand?" he informs as he observes me.

"If you feel like going out, tell me. Just text me and I'll be there, okay?" He asks me.

"Uh..yes, thank you very much indeed," I reply lowering my head to hide my flustered expression.

How can a man look attractive at a time like this? Am I losing my mind?

I've never even seen his face.

"Can I ask you a question?" I ask him, still continuing to fiddle with my fingers.

"You just did it," he replies chuckling.

I look at him amused.

"Yes, you can ask me any question you want, no need to ask for permission" he admits.

I look around trying to phrase my question without sounding abrupt.

"Why do you always wear a mask?" I ask in a hesitant voice hoping not to sound nosy.

He raises an eyebrow and looks at me amused.

"Is that what you want to know?" He asks me in turn.

I shake my head, answering honestly.

He looks up for a few seconds and immediately answers me.

"I won't tell you," he replies briefly, still looking at me amused.

"I will only tell you if you text me before you go to sleep," he offers in a defiant tone.

I look at him smiling and I nod.

"It's a deal, then," I accept, happy to finally have someone to talk lightheartedly with.



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