Chapter 15

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"Y/N's POV"

"Actually you are sick," he admits sadly, "that's why you don't remember anything."

I stare at him undeterred, not believing what I just heard. Impossible for such a thing to happen to me, yet I really don't remember anything.

Maybe he is a crazy maniac who drugged me, dragged me here, and right now is trying to convince me of a big lie that doesn't exist.

I have to be careful, that's for sure.

"Prove it," I order him in an unsure voice.

I won't believe what he told me until I have proof in front of me. There must be some document that proves that I am sick and have memory problems.

Yoongi nods and immediately snaps his fingers.
At that exact moment, the same gentleman from before appears, bringing him a completely white folder.

Yoongi takes it and hands it over the table, turning it toward me.

Attached to it, there is a label with my name on it.

"What is this?" I ask, cautiously opening it.

"It's your medical chart," he says resting his elbows over the arms of his chair, "Everything you need to know is in there," he informs me, now supporting his chin with his palm.

As soon as I open the binder, a small photo of me appears in front of me with all my personal information, including social security number.

The sheets are numerous and filled with photos of MRIs, CAT (computerized axial tomography) scans, and many other examinations that appear to have been done by me previously.

As I continue looking at the sheets, I manage to find a diagnosis written and signed by a certain doctor named Seon-Min Kang.

"Y/N L/N underwent a neuropsychological examination to assess any problems with memory, language and attention.

We employed the MMSE examination, which consisted of asking the patient simple questions such as "What day is it?" or "Where do you live."

The woman appeared to be uncertain and doubtful in her answers, and she demonstrated average difficulty in communicating and fulfilling quotidian actions.

Based on the MRIs and clinical examinations performed, we found abnormal glucose use and neuron-fibrillar grommets in the patient's brain, which confirmed and explained the abnormal behavior during the visit.

Such research confirmed that the woman is suffering from Alzheimer's disease, so she was prescribed medication to be dutifully taken daily in small amounts and to be supervised by a healthy person at all times.

If you have any questions or concerns, please call the number below.

-Dr. Kang. "

I look up from the paper slowly and I look at the person in front of me with a defeated look.

So is everything he said true?
The fact that I don't remember anything at all is already more than overwhelming evidence, but even the confirmations by analysis of my brain all signed by me and several doctors do not prove otherwise.

"S-so am I really sick?" I ask hoping for a negative answer, but he nods slowly.

I put the paper down and look at all the other tests previously performed by me, and among them I find some that are even a few weeks old.

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