Chapter 19

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5 months later...

Y/N's POV:

I wake up to the soft rays of sunlight peeking through the curtains, casting a gentle glow across the room.

After a few moments I stretch my limbs and I realize that Yoongi isnt't beside me. He must have already left for work. Despite the emptiness of the bed, I can't help but feel a lingering sense of his presence.

His scent still clinging to the sheets, reminding me of the passionate moment we had shared the night before.
As I sit up, I can't help but smile, replaying the memories in my mind.

Months had passed since the day I decided to finally trust Yoongi, letting him help me take care of my well being.

As I reflect on the journey we've embarked on together, I find solace in the intimacy that has grown between.
A bond forged amidst love and hidden desires.

Stepping out onto the balcony, I take in the sights and sounds of the surrounding world.

The once unfamiliar landscape has now become my sanctuary.
A haven where time seems to stand still, shielding us from prying eyes.

After a few minutes, I decide to leave the balcony and walk toward the bathroom, where I wash my face and arrange my hair by tying it in a low ponytail.

As I changed my clothes to something more casual, I descended the stairs following the enticing aroma of breakfast wafting through the house.

As I reached the kitchen, I found Chae-Won, the housemaid of the house, bustling around fastly with a sense of urgency.

She held her phone pressed to her ear, engaged probably in a conversation with her sister. It's one of her habits to talk to the phone with her family.

Curiosity sparked within me as I noticed the array of dishes spread across the kitchen island, prepared with meticulous care.

"Good morning Chae-Won" I greet her as I sit down on the chair.

She looks at me almost surprised, as if she didn't notice my presence, and right after she turns around again resuming what she was doing.

"Miss Y/N, you finally woke up! Did you sleep well?" She asks still looking at me.

"Yes, thank you" I simply answer as I feel tempted to eat the food on the kitchen Island.

"Chae-Won, why are you preparing so much food?" I ask, unable to contain my curiosity any longer, as my eyes landed on a delectable-looking pastry.

Without hesitation, I reach out to grab a piece, but before my fingers could make contact with the delicious dessert, Chae-Won swiftly intervened, slapping my hand away as her scolding voice filled the kitchen.

"Miss Y/N! I'm sorry, but don't eat that just yet," she gently admonished, her eyes conveying a mixture of responsibility and urgency.

"These dishes are specifically prepared for tonight. They're part of a special menu Mr. Min arranged, and I must ensure they're presented perfectly."

Her words halted my hand in mid-air, and I withdrew it, realizing the gravity of the situation.

I can't help but be intrigued by the significance of the occasion and the efforts being made to make it flawless.

"So what's happening? Why are there so many dishes being prepared, and why are you in such a rush?" I ask again, since she resumes her work ignoring my previous question.

Chae-Won pauses for a moment as she hangs up on the phone, and then she glances at me for a few seconds as if to think about something.

"Apparently Mr. Min has unexpectedly invited some close friends over tonight. It's a small gathering, but he wanted to make it special." She answers smiling genuinely.

I nod, taking in the information.
"Ah, I see. That explains the hustle and bustle. Well, I hope everything goes smoothly." I answer smiling back.

Chae-Won smiles, grateful that I hadn't pressed for more details.
"Thank you, Y/N. I'm doing my best to ensure everything is perfect for tonight. Mr. Min wants his friends to have a memorable evening."

After a few moments she realizes something.

"Do you want me to prepare you something to eat since you just woke up? You must be hungry!"

I immediately get up and shake my head.

"No need, today I'm going to have breakfast with Iseul" I answer.

As I turn to leave the kitchen, a faint suspicion tugs at the back of my mind. There is something more to this gathering, something Chae-Won isn't telling me.

Yoongi has not told me anything about this gathering yet, which is very strange on his part since he always tells me everything.

But for now, I chose to trust Yoongi's judgment and let the curiosity linger in the depths of my thoughts.

Not to mention that Yoongi is free to invite friends to our house, I cannot forbid him.

After all, he had gone to great lengths to protect me, and I trust that he has his reasons for keeping certain things hidden.

But little did I know that the secrets concealed within the walls of this gathering would soon unravel, shattering the fragile peace I had come to know.

But little did I know that the secrets concealed within the walls of this gathering would soon unravel, shattering the fragile peace I had come to know

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Hello everyone again!
I hope you're having fun this summer!
Im sorry if it took me a while to update, but I had really important exams, and fortunately they went pretty well!
Please stay tuned, because I will resume updating this story.
Have a great day everyone!!

(ps: i changed the header to match it with the book's cover)

[chapter not revised]

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