Chapter 12

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Y/N's POV :

I get off the bus and drag my legs step by step, walking in zig zags trying to remember where my house is.

As I walk I think back to why I drank so much, and I whine shamefully again.

After my mother had hung up on me, I waited for Yoongi to pick me up in his car as agreed, but in the end he did not show up.

He, like EunWoo, also stood me up.
But EunWoo had credible reasons.

I stood there in the cold for an hour and a half waiting for him to pick me up, but I hoped for nothing. I even tried to contact him, but his number seemed nonexistent, as if that number never belonged to anyone.

So in the end, I decided to go to a bar that sells alcohol, and I spent my evening there to forget about this whole situation of my mother and being stood up by guys all the time.

I don't even know what time it is but right now the only thing I'm thinking about is getting home, throwing myself on the bed and never waking up again.

I continue on my way cursing myself for drinking excessively in the middle of the week.

As I complain about my life, all of a sudden I get a feeling of nausea take control of my body, so I approach the nearest light pole and I lean on it to avoid falling.

Suddenly the unpleasant feeling of vomiting becomes impulse, and I start vomiting and pouring out my soul in the middle of the street.

After a few minutes staring into the void, I let out a heavy sigh and I resume walking again, heading toward my home.

When I finally arrive in front of my house, I open the gate with difficulty, as the effect of the alcohol has not yet worn off and I feel dead tired.

However, as soon as I catch a glimpse of the front of my house, the purse and keys I was holding fall to the ground causing a thud that echoes throughout the silent neighborhood.

In front of me I have the front door of my house completely wide open, as if it were waiting for me to cross it.

I stand there staring at the door contemplating what to do, but it is useless to think when you have alcohol that is still circulating in your body.

The more I look at the open door of my house, the more I seethe with anger inside.

At such a moment, a sane person would have called the police and waited for them to arrive.

But right now my brain is not doing its job properly, in fact I head with sure and quick steps toward the entrance of my house not giving a damn about the consequences.

As soon as I set foot in the house and enter the dwelling, however, what appears before my eyes is the most unusual and strange thing I have ever seen.

The inside of my house is dark, and the only source of light are lots red and white candles scattered literally everywhere.

I look around shocked and frightened, wondering who is capable to do such a thing.

I take a few slow steps toward grouped candles and I observe them.
As soon as I get close enough to them, I automatically wrinkle my nose because of the strong smell of strawberry and vanilla they give off.

As I look around to check if anything has been stolen, suddenly I hear a bang coming from behind me.

I turn around with my arms in the air in case someone is about to attack me, but I realize that the front door has closed.

I run toward it and the first thing I do is grab hold of the handle and try to lower it, but the door turns out to be closed.

I start banging and shouting nonsense words at the door, but as soon as I realize that it won't open again, I lower my head and bang my forehead against the cold material out of desperation.

I have gotten myself into a big trouble, and now I have no way out.

I have gotten myself into a big trouble, and now I have no way out

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A/N's POV :

Yes, this is THAT chapter.
The one that will change everything

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