Eliza x Male Reader

Start from the beginning

"You can ask. Only if you call me, Elizabeth. For now." 

"Might we dance... Elizabeth?" you smile, she nods in blink, you guide her to the dance floor. In was like an entire symphony was playing. Music playing all around just for the two of you, a musical story for a passionate audience. She made you feel like a greater story was being told. 

You continued to dance the rest of the night and talk. "Might I write to you?" she blurted out. You saw an opportunity to do a little something back, in cute honor. "Only if you call me [y/l/n], for now." she giggled and took your hands. "Might I write to you [y/l/n]." 

Over a week later you got a letter every day from her. You lost count how many letter you sent and received after that week. Time was moving fast, but not fast enough. You wanted to ask for her hand. In person, not over a letter.  You finally found time to be allowed to go and rush to her home. You took her outside to have a small picnic by the river. You took of your boots and jumped in the water. "Join me." you held out your hand, giving her a soft smile. She grinned and quickly kicked off her shoes and socks and held up her skirt to hover above the water. 

She brough out so much of you that you lost years ago. You and Burr were orphans. Your mother died when you were just three, your father left to sea and never returned. The others said he fell ill on ship and must have fallen over board one night. They looked for days but could never find his body to bring home. You were just twelve when he died. You had to toughen up and work hard. Laurens was always able to bring out a softness in you. 

Eliza, she brought out a inner you that you though died years ago. She jumped in the water causing a small splash. She then kicked the water towards you in a bigger splash. You bent down and splashed towards her with your hands. The two of you ran and jumped in the river water and splashed around. You took her by her hands and spun 'round in circle like dancing in the water. You both fell back and laughed. She reminded you the sun shines, stars glow, time holds still, that the earth still spins. She reminds you to smile, to laugh. To forget troubles. That you are loved. You wanted to make sure you did the same for her. Give her the same gift she had given you. 

You take her to eat and then lay in a field to look at the stars. You pop the question. "Elizabeth Schuyler. Will you do me the greatest honor, of becoming my wife?"

"Yes. Oh Yes! Yes! Yes!" you kiss. You hold her close. "I do, I do I do!" 

"Eliza." you pull her closer. "I love you, oh so truly."

"[y/n], I'm helpless." she sings. "Helpless~" you sing back. You made each other oh so helpless.

The next day you wore your finest cloths and got ready to ask for approval from her father. Angelica said to speak truth and be yourself and all would go well.

"Mr. [y/l/n]?"

"Yes Sir." you respond. Mr. Schuyler wiggles his finger for you to follow and enter the room. You go in after and close the door behind you. "Take a seat Mr. [y/l/n]."

You sit and he too does on the opposite side of the table. "Why should you marry my daughter?" he was very blunt and to the point. You figured you should do the same. speak truth and be yourself,  her word echoed in your head. You new what you wanted to say. Had to say. For her.

You stood up from your seat. "I shall be most honest and true." you took a gulp. "I have not a dollar to my name, an acre of great land size or manor. I have a small farm and farm house on a small plot of land. I plan to go to college once the war is over to become a lawyer. Where I will provide for her many things and how every many children we so desire." You could see he wasn't in just yet. You had to keep going. Speak truth.

"She makes me do better. Be better than who I was before. A good person. I would defend her every breathe.  I will love her unconditionally. I will give her everything I have and every will ever have. I will vow to never let her heart ache or pain. Be there every day. Hold the world still, I would sink every star in the sky to have her smile and laugh. To be honest and true, kind and honorable to her. I vow that I would give my life for her. To love her till death does us part and to love her beyond the grave and time itself. I want her to know she is loved, loved far more than she knows." there was silence. " And I vow to prove it so every day." 

Her father folded his hands and looked at the table. Clearly he was deep in thought. You push on. "I vow to make every day a gift." you quickly added. He rose from his chair and made his way across the room to you. He shook your hand and said, "Be true." You hear Eliza gasp from behind you. You look to her and smile wide. You rush to her and lift her up and spin 'round. 

"We are to be married." you cheer. "We shall be." she adds. "Thank you!" she goes over to hug her father. "Thank you, Sir." you shake his hand once again. "I will be true and more. I promise."

The next few months you both planned the wedding and soon you were ready. You asked Laurens to be your best man. Hamilton, Lafayette, and Mulligan were groomsmen. Eliza had her maid of honor, Angelica, her brides maids. You were never more happy and in love. The lightness in the air, the song in your heart, warmth in your chest, you were in deep. "Helpless~" You sang to yourself as she turned the corner into view. She was stunning. 

She looked just as beautiful as the day you met her. You felt that magical pull, history was with you. You only saw her. No one else mattered. It was just you and her.

"I do." you smile.

"I do." she smiles back to you. You held her hands, looking at her. Really looking at her. She was more than you ever could imagine. 

"You may now kiss the bride!"

"Helpless~" she sang softly to you and only you. You kiss and hold each other close. "Eliza." you whisper her name. "[y/n]." she whispers back. You look into each others eyes deeply. You were going to spend the rest of your life with this woman. There was no other person you could ever want to be with than her. To be with in good times and bad, to have and the hold. Everything you would do... would be for her.


Let me know if you want another part or and other reader x Eliza story. Thank you, have a good day ya'll!

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