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Chapter 45

*Really Short Chapter* It's just a cute little thing I thought of.

Thursday, 11:00 pm

In the bunker

Sky's POV

I'm in my room, trying to fall asleep. I don't know why, but I can't. Usually, when I can't fall asleep, I'd play a game on my phone, until I got tired enough and finally fell asleep. But I'm grounded, so I don't have my phone. Shit's ridiculous. I dye my hair a cool color, and now I can't have my phone? I get out of bed, and get a book from my nightstand. If I can't have my phone, then I'm gonna read a book. I like to read. It's a horror book. You might be wondering why in the hell I'd wanna read about monsters, when I'm trying to go to sleep. I don't know. It calms me. I feel like that's a huge red flag. But anyway. I start reading the book, with my lamp on, and after a while, I hear somebody walking towards my room. I don't know if it's Sam or Dean. But whoever's up the latest will usually check on me before they go to bed. Judging by how hard he's walking, I think it's Dean. I'd normally try to hide the fact that I'm awake, but maybe he can help me fall asleep.

Dean: Kid, what are you still doing up? He asks as he gets to my room.

Sky: I couldn't sleep, so I'm reading.

Dean: You can't fall asleep? Why not? Are you having nightmares?

I can't fall asleep, and that told him that I had fallen asleep, at least for long enough to have nightmares. At least he takes that in to consideration. I could've very well had a nightmare. I didn't. But I could've.

Sky: No. I just can't sleep. I don't know why. It's just not happening.

Dean: Do you want me to help you fall asleep?

Sky: It'd be nice. But I don't wanna bother you.

Dean: You're not bothering anybody, Sweetheart. Come see.

He says "Come see", but then starts coming to me. That's always confused me. I can't come to you, if you're already coming to me. He lays down next to me and takes my book from my hands.

Sky: I wanted to keep reading, though.

Dean: I'll read to you for a little while, until you fall asleep. Ok?

Sky: Ok.

He pulls me close to him and starts reading, where I left off. He used to do this all the time, before my Mom died. It's nice to know that he still remembers this. I love this. It's just us hanging out, nobody's arguing or making corny jokes. We're just hanging out, in a calm setting. It's not long before he's throwing my blanket over me, and reading in a lower, calmer tone. He definitely noticed that I'm falling asleep.

Dean: I get that you wanna hear the rest of it, but you do have to go to sleep.

Sky: Fine.

He continues reading, and it's not long after that, that I fall asleep on him.

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