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Chapter 10

Thursday, 11:30 am

In the bunker

Sky's POV

I'm on my way to Sam's room, to snitch on Dean. He's being a bitch, and saying no to everything I ask. All I wanted was my phone back, since I'm suspended for 7 days. If I'm gonna be suspended for a whole 7 days, shouldn't I get my phone back, to have some kind of entertainment? According to Dean, I should still finish my grounding. But according to me, I should get my phone back, because I'm suspended.

Sky: Sammy. I call as I get to his room.

Sam: Yeah?

Sky: Dean's being mean to me.

Sam: How's he being mean to you?

Sky: He keeps saying no to everything.

Sam: What did you ask, that he said no to?

Sky: I want my phone back.

Sam: And you're still grounded, aren't you?

Sky: But I'm also suspended. So I should get my phone back.

Sam: You think that you should get your phone back, just because you're suspended from school?

Did I not JUST say that? I must not have been clear enough.

Sky: I just said that.

Sam: Kid, you're grounded for trying to sneak out-

Sky: Yeah. For trying. I didn't actually do it. I didn't even make it to the door.

Sam: But you tried, and you were gonna do it, had Dean not been behind you when he was.

Sky: Ok, but-

Sam: You don't get to get out of groundings, just because something else happened.

Sky: That's not fair.

Sam: It is fair.

Sky: No, it's not. I was already grounded, and now I'm suspended. I think I deserve something good.

Sam: And that something good is your phone?

Sky: Yeah.

Sam: You're not getting your phone back, Sky. You're still grounded, and you're gonna be grounded until tomorrow. So until tomorrow, you are not getting your phone back. If you keep asking us for it, we're gonna extend your grounding. Ok?

I don't say anything. I just roll my eyes and leave the room, because that conversation was going absolutely nowhere.

Sam: Skylar Fae, come back here, please.

Sky: No.

Sam: Skylar Fae!


Sky: Ok, I'm coming.

I go back inside his room, and find him sitting up and looking at me like I just committed a crime.

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