Dean's drinking

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Chapter 34

Tuesday, 5:16 pm

In the bunker

Sam's POV

Sky: Quit it!

Dean: You quit it!

Sky: You're being mean!

Dean: No. I'm being fair. You took mine, so I'm taking yours.

Sky: I didn't take yours, Dawg! You ate it!

They're fighting over pie. They were little mini pies that Dean bought from the grocery store, on a supply run. He ate his, and forgot about it. So now he thinks that Sky ate it.

Dean: I don't eat things, and then just forget that I ate them!

Sky: You do when you're drunk!

He was drunk last night, a little more drunk than he usually gets. He must've eaten his pie, then, and now he doesn't remember doing it.

Dean: That's what somebody who ate my pie would say.

Sky: Why can't you consider the possibility that you were drunk, ate your own pie, and just done remember?

Dean: Because I don't get that drunk.

Sam: Yes, you do! I yell from my room.

Dean: Nobody asked you.

Sky: You do get that drunk. And when you do, you eat all our food. Why do you think we have to grocery shop so much?

Dean: So, I really do get that drunk?

There's a change in his voice. He doesn't sound happy. He sounds almost depressed, to find out that he actually does get that drunk.

Sky: Yeah. Not much, but it happens. You get real drunk, and you eat a good bit of our food. You don't do much else, though.

Dean: What else do I do?

Sky: You make corny jokes, and you beg me to let you hold me. You're ok when I say no, though.

Dean: So I've never, you know, gotten mean? People get mean when they get drunk enough to not remember what happened.

This is the point where I get out of bed and go out into the hallway, where they were arguing.

Sky: You never get mean. You've never gotten mean.

Dean: Yeah. But it could still happen. I don't wanna get that drunk. I could get abusive, and not even realize it.

Sam: Sky, Baby, please go wait in your room.

Sky: Why? What'd I do?

Sam: Nothing. You didn't do anything wrong, Sweetheart. We just need a few minutes alone. Ok?

Sky: Oh, ok.

She goes to her room and closes the door. I hear her TV turn on. That'll keep her occupied until I finish talking to Dean.

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