Can I help you?

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Chapter 5

Monday, 9:13 am

At school

Sky's POV

Sky: I just don't understand why you're mad at me. I just told you why I didn't show up.

Allison: And I just told you that I had to wait for like, 15 minutes, before leaving. I was late to the movie, because I waited for you.

Sky: I didn't tell you to wait that long for me. You didn't have to. You chose to. That's not my fault. You were late to the movie because you chose to wait that long for me. After 5 minutes, you should've just left.

I'm never late, to anything that's not English class. Allison knows that, so why'd she wait so long for me, if she didn't just want something to fight about? She always does this. She chooses to do things, and then twists them around to make them seem like they're my fault. I eventually end up feeling bad and apologizing for something that I didn't even do, and we're friends again for like, a week, before she does this shit again. Maybe this is why the guys don't want me hanging around her. But I don't have any other friends, and I don't wanna be the new kid that doesn't have any friends. I've seen how that kid gets treated. No thanks.

Allison: Why do you have to play the victim? Why can't you just own up to-

Sky: I'm not "playing the victim", Allison. I'm telling you that the way you're looking at this is wrong. It's not my fault that you waited that long for me. We've talked about you waiting for me. You're the one that decided that if I'm not at the end of road, where you are, you'll wait 5 minutes before leaving. I don't see why you waited a whole 10 extra minutes. There's nothing for me to own up to. This is on you, and you're trying to pin it on me, to make me feel bad, like you always do.

Allison: Like I always do? What the fuck's that supposed to mean?

Sky: It means that you always do shit like this, and try to make it seem like I'm in the wrong. You make me feel bad about what I didn't do, and then I apologize for it, and that makes you keep doing it. You're still doing this, because I let you. This was the last time you get to do this shit to me. I'm done with you and your bullshit.

I've decided that I'm done with Allison and trying to be her friend. She very obviously just wants somebody to boss around and blame her own problems on. I'm not gonna be that person anymore.

Allison: Really?

Sky: Yeah, really. And now I'm late for class, because you're standing here starting arguments with me.

I start speed walking away from her, trying to make it to class before the late bell rings. You're not TECHNICALLY late, until the late bell rings. I don't care what the teachers say. It's called the "late bell" for a reason. It rings to let you know that you're late. The first bell is just the "you should probably get to class" bell. That bell rung about a minute ago. So I have 2 minutes to get all the way across campus, to my Science class. I'm never late to Science class. My teacher's either gonna be concerned, or mad. I don't really have the time to worry about which one.

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