You're so warm

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Chapter 22

The same day, 2:14 pm

In the bunker

Sky's POV

I'm in Sam's room, and he's lecturing me on sneaking out. I personally think that getting spanked is enough. I don't think I need a lecture, after being spanked. The spanking was enough. A lecture is being dramatic.

Sam: I'm just trying to understand why you thought that that was a good reason to sneak out.

Sky: I already told you. Dean said no. And you weren't home, so I couldn't ask you. But even if you were home, Dean already no, and he'd have gotten mad if I asked you, after he said no.

Sam: He told you that he said no, for your safety, right? He said that he didn't wanna risk you getting more hurt than you already are, right?

Sky: Yeah, but-

Sam: But you still chose to sneak out. You didn't like being told no, so you decided to sneak out.

Sky: I-

Sam: Do you understand how dangerous that was? I mean, you walked to the mall, by yourself, with nothing to protect yourself. Anything could've happened to you, Skylar. And by the time Dean and I would've found out that you weren't home, it would've been too late. Dean thought that you were in your room, and I wasn't even home. Do you understand how mad I am, right now?

Are you actually gonna let me answer, this time? Or are you gonna interrupt me again, and go on another rant?

Sky: I think so.

Sam: You could've done literally anything, here. Dean only said you couldn't go out, because he wanted to keep you and your already broken arm safe.

Sky: But I wanted to go to the mall. I wasn't worried about being safe-

Sam: Obviously. You were very obviously not worried about being safe. If you were, you wouldn't have snuck out. You wouldn't be grounded, now.

Sky: Grounding me doesn't even really stop anything. I can easily just sneak out again, in two weeks.

I've never seen him give me the look he's giving me. It's not his "Dad" look. It's something else. Something stronger than both of their "Dad" looks. I don't know what to call this look, but it scares me. I think that's the point.

Sam: So you got spanked and grounded for sneaking out. And you're already planning on doing it again?

Sky: I didn't say that I was planning on doing it again. I said that I could do it again. That's not planning anything. That's just me saying that if I really want to, I can do it again. Grounding me doesn't solve shit.

Sam: Do you want another spanking? Because you're acting like you do.

Sky: You're not gonna spank me. I already got spanked.

Sam: You did already get spanked. But you're already acting like you need another one. Do you?

Sky: No.

Sam: Then lose the attitude.

Sky: I'll lose mine when you lose yours.

Sam: Ok. I'm not playing this game with you. Come here.

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