I won't do it again

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Chapter 27

The same day, 12:59 pm

In the motel

Sky's POV

I'm sitting on this motel bed, listening to Dean yell at me about how dangerous what I did was. I thought he'd spank me immediately. But he's didn't. He's just yelling about what I did. He hasn't even mentioned a spanking or even a grounding yet. He's only said the possible outcomes of what I did, if he and Sam hadn't been here. I already know what could've happened, though. I could've died. I don't really think I need to be reminded of that. I don't like the idea that I could've died, because I did something stupid. It was something that I was told specifically not to do.

Dean: I don't think you even understand how dangerous this was!

Sky: I do, though.

Dean: If you really understood how dangerous that was, you wouldn't have done it!

Sky: I didn't think anything would-

Dean: You didn't think about anything! You just did it! You decided to go against what Sam and I told you, which was to simply not open the door or go outside! You almost got yourself killed! This isn't home, where you can do whatever you want! This is a hunt, Skylar Fae Winchester!

Damn. My full government name. Now I know he's really pissed. Not just a little pissed. REALLY pissed. I understand why. But I kinda wish he'd stop yelling.

Sky: I don't know what you want me to say. I'm sorry.

Dean: Sorry isn't good enough this time! You say sorry for little things, like not doing your homework, or forgetting to do your chores. Not for almost getting yourself mauled by a fucking demon!

I really am sorry, though. I didn't fully think about what I was doing, when I did it. I was just thinking "Hey, there's a park across the street. I wanna go there", and I went. There was really no thought process to what I did. It was literally just impulse. I do regret it, but Dean's still pissed. And Sam's not here to defend me. Not that he'd defend me for doing something like this. But he's always easier on me than Dean is. He'd at least tell him to stop yelling so much.

Dean: I'm still trying to understand what went through your head, while you were doing exactly what we said not to do! What were you thinking, Skylar?!

I can't tell if that's a question that he wants an answer to, or if he just said it to say it. But usually, when I don't know if he wants an answer to something, he does.

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