Center peed

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Chapter 18

*Short Chapter*

The same day, 2:30 pm

In the bunker

Sam's POV

I've been home for less than 24 hours, and Dean's already broken something. He might not have broken anything. He might've fallen. But he'll never tell us if he fell. He'll just try to play it off, like he meant to do that.

Sam: What did you do? I ask as I walk out, into the hallway, now seeing Dean, sitting on the floor, looking upset.

Dean: Uh, nothing. Nothing. I'm just, uh, looking for something.

Sam: What are you looking for, that requires you to be on the floor?

Dean: Uh, it's small. What I'm looking for. It's small. So you have to be close to the ground to find it.

Sam: You know you can just tell me you fell, right?

Dean: I didn't fall. I dropped something, and I had to sit on the ground to look for it, because it's small.

I don't understand why he can't just tell me that he fell. It's not hard. A simple "I fell" would be fine. I'd laugh my ass off, but it'd be fine. He'd probably be mad at me for the rest of the day, but it'd be fine. Anyways.

Sam: I can't see anything down there.

Dean: Like I said, it's small. He gets up I'll find it later.

Sky: Sammy? She calls while rushing to me.

She looks a little scared. I left her in my room, so that I could come see about Dean. I thought she'd fall asleep, but now she looks scared. Is she scared because I left her by herself? Does she think there's something in there? Is there something in there?

Sam: What's the matter, Baby?

Sky: There's a bug in there.

Sam: A bug? What kind of bug?

Sky: I don't know. But it has a lot of legs, and it's long, and it's scary.

Is there a centipede in my room? Because then I'd understand Sky's fear. I fucking hate centipedes. This place is old as fuck, so it's actually likely that there is a centipede in my room. That's the only bug that I can think of, that Sky wouldn't know the name of, and that has lots of legs and is long.

Sky: I think it's a center peed.

I'm trying to hold back my laugh, because she's obviously scared, but Dean's already laughing his ass off.

Sam: Baby-

Sky: It's not funny. She says to Dean, who's actually uncontrollably laughing at the way she said "centipede".

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