It was just an argument

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Chapter 9

Wednesday, 12:15 pm

At school

Sky's POV

I'm on my way to the cafeteria, where I only plan on eating whatever fruit they have today. The other food is usually gross, and sometimes, it's not even fully cooked. So I just stick to eating the fruit. It's the safest option. Once there, I see Allison and her friends, already pointing at me and saying things that I can't hear. Allison's been talking shit about me, ever since I decided not to be her friend anymore. Yeah, that decision left me with literally no friends. But it's still worh it, to not have to deal with Allison and her bullshit. I do kinda wish she'd stop talking about me, though. But being that I hit her, I'm probably lucky that all she's doing is talking.

Lunch Lady: Grab a fruit.

Fuck you.

Sky: Do you not see my hand already on a fruit cup?

Lunch Lady: Don't get smart with me-

Sky: Then don't get smart with me.

I grab the fruit cup and walk away from her, because she's clearly in the mood to argue with somebody. I find a place to sit, which was kinda hard since I can't sit where I normally do. Allison and her friends are over there, so I'm sitting all the way across the room, with a bunch of random people I don't know.

Random Girl: Skylar, right? She asks from next to me.

Sky: Um, yeah. Why?

Random Girl: Not to be nosy, but aren't you usually over there? She asks while pointing to Allison's table.

Sky: Yeah. But I've decided not to sit with bitches.

Random Girl: Wow. What happened?

I thought you WEREN'T trying to be nosy.

Sky: We just had a falling out, and I hit her, and now she talks shit about me behind my back. It was one of those friendships that just don't work out.

Random Girl: I'm sorry. I know she was like, your best friend.

Sky: It's ok. I'd rather have no friends, than a friend who treats me like shit just because she can.

Random Girl: You don't have any other friends?

Did I not JUST imply that I don't have any other friends? Are you just trying to make me say it again?

Sky: She was my only friend since early last year.

Random Girl: You honestly deserve better. I saw the way she'd talk to you. It wasn't the way a friend would talk to a friend.

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