chapter 10: The Legend Starts!

Start from the beginning

Sakura just laid there, trying to figure out what had happened.

The blondes' words had affected her a little bit, but once she had heard that Sasuke liked girls with long hair, it just was a forgotten memory.

0 end of flashback 0

Sakura, just now remembered the blonde's words from those years ago, but shook them away from her thoughts. 'Her' Sasuke-kun wasn't like that at all.

Naruko didn't know what she was talking about...right?


Hanabi just was wide-eyed at the defeat of her cousin.

It he was nothing to the blonde kunoichi.

Hiashi looked on just as his daughter with great surprise, as his nephew never landed a single hit.


Kiba let loose a whistle as his brain finally rebooted after watching the elder Hyuuga boy get his ass kicked.

"Glad it wasn't me." he muttered

While Hinata looked awe struck.


Naruko walked back into the contestant booth and Tenten gave her friend a big hug, "Naru-chan, you were awesome!" Tenten cheered

"Indeed Naruko-san, your flames of youth were astounding!" Lee said in agreement.

Shino gave her a silent nod in congratulations, which she of course returned.

"You are just so troublesome, aren't you Naruko. You just had to set the bar that high. I might have to actually try now." Shikamaru complained, but Naruko knew he was complimenting her.

"Thank you Shika." Naruko answered

The redheaded Jinchuuriki looked at Naruko with a bloodthirsty smile and his siblings looked at her wearily.

0 With the Hokage and Kazekage 0

"Hokage-sama, Uchiha Sasuke has yet to show up. How should we proceed?" Raidou, the Hokage's personal guard, said.

Sarutobi frowned at this, 'I have given that child so much leeway. I informed Kakashi that I wouldn't take him out of the exam, but to do this! It is time that boy learned that we are not at his beck and call just because of his clan.' "Inform Genma that Uchiha Sasuke forfeits, due to his lack of punctuality." The Sandaime said harshly.

Raidou nodded and talked into his headset.

"Hokage-dono, perhaps you are being too harsh. After all, most of the nobles here today are looking forward to seeing the last Uchiha fight." The masked Kazekage said.

Sarutobi looked at him and shook his head, "That boy has been spoiled enough by this village. It's time he learned that his actions had consequences." The aged Hokage stated.


"That is enough Kazekage-dono. You are not in charge of my Shinobi, I am." Sarutobi said with some frost in his tone.

"Of course Hokage-dono, I was just eager to see Uchiha Sasuke fight my son." The Kazekage said, though he was cursing on the inside.


"Due to his absents, Uchiha Sasuke will be force to forfeit from the third round." Genma announced.

The crowd boo'd him, but he did nothing about.

'Stupid ass nobles.' He thought as he mentally gave them the middle finger.


"I can't believe they're forcing Sasuke-kun to withdraw!" screeched a pink howler monkey.

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