Truthfully, Lea was just happy to see the life back in Drew's eyes as she set on the task.

And each passing day, confidence reappeared in her steps. She remembered she was a "bad lil smoochie from the X".

"NeNe," Drew groaned as they walked to the cafeteria one day. "I'm so hungry I could eat you right now."

"Don't threaten me with a good time," Lea replied back easily, not paying any mind to the sudden squeak from one Drew's new worshippers. She had their classmates eating out the palm of her hand, following at the nip of her heels and all desperate for her attention.  Whenever Lea asked about one of the people that would disappear from her new legions of followers to linger on the sidelines watching her as she broke their heart, she would snort prettily and wave her hand about. "I stopped talking to them, you know. It never gave settling."

Lea knew that it was just her way to try to get over Ethan even if it wasn't working.

She helped Percy as best as she could in trying to find his soulmate and had to deal his pining for a person he hadn't even met. "I need him biblically." Her brother would say. "I need him in a way that's concerning to feminism." Lea would snort and push him off of her bed, "You need jesus and I don't even believe in him."

Though of course, all that made her think about trying to date someone and she brought it up to Hermes at one point, wondering if he would be mature and not cause them harm.

The conversation went a bit...

"I need a breathing machine," he said, clutching at his chest and staring at her with wide eyes. Lea raised a brow. "No... I wouldn't..." It sounded like it physically pained him to just that. "But, uh, don't kiss them."

Lea scrunched her nose. She hadn't even had her first kiss. She wasn't going to waste it on some idiot. "Sure," she shrugged. "But you can't kiss anyone else either." Though, she supposed that was a bit hard for him considering his wife who was still using Lea's face like she was at some ongoing costume party.

Hermes shrugged. "The only person that I would want to kiss does not want to kiss me."

"Someone with some self-respect? I want to meet them."

"Look in the mirror."

Lea blinked before snorting softly, hiding away her blush as she quickly changed the subject. "You know, centaurs have six limbs and are therefore insects."

The god had hurried to leave under the pretense of delivering letters.

Of course, the relationship with Hermes also brought some more unsavory people into her life though it was made worse considering the war. Though, she supposed that Trent could be blamed also.

It happened one day while Drew and Lea were getting ready to meet up with Alabaster to look for Halloween costumes. (The girl had already given up on trying to convince them to not animate any decorations. Lea resolved to find the biggest nutcracker for Christmas and all the little baby cupids for Valentine's day.)

"Excuse me, are you Leaneira?" came a voice from behind them. Lea turned with a raised brow. The person that spoke was a bit taller than her, a brunette with blue eyes and freckles. They looked to be a few years older than her, but it was hard to tell with the aliens... if they were one of them.

"Who's asking?"

"I am." they replied instantly and Lea huffed as Drew raised a brow.

"I'm not blind," Lea said dryly. "I can see you in front me. Who are you?"

"My name is Allison." Never heard of her. "Do you know a boy name Arkas?"

Lea and Drew exchanged quick looks before turning back to her. "I know a couple of Arkas's." Literally. Hermes, Arkas, the tortoise, and every kid of Hermes at camp could use the name as an epithet.

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