"What j-just happened?" Kaito coughed out, making Sukuna snicker as he got up from his seat and stood directly infront of the criminals with his arms crossed.
"Uraume." Sukuna suddenly said without looking at the two girls, making Uraume perk up at the mention of her name.
"Yes, my Lord." Uraume replied immediately, (Y/n)'s eyes flickering nervously between the two of them.
"What was the girl's name again?...you know the one I'm speaking of." Sukuna suddenly asked, his eyes glaring down at the three criminals infront of him.

"(Y/n), sir." Uraume answerd, causing (Y/n)'s throat to dry at the mention of her name. Why the sudden interest in her?
"And where is (Y/n)?" Sukuna asked.
"Standing beside me, Sir." The white haired lady replied. That's when Sukuna looked to his left, his eyes imminently locking on (Y/n)'s nervous form standing beside Uraume, attempting to make herself smaller and unnoticeable.
"Ah, she blended right in with the walls, didn't she?" Sukuna mused.

(Y/n) pursed her lips as she looked down at her black kimono which undoubtedly made her blend in with the black marble pillar stood behind her.
"Come closer, brat." Sukuna ordered, motioning for her to come to him with two of his fingers. (Y/n)'s breath hitched as she looked up at Uraume, who was giving her a look that said 'hurry up'. So (Y/n) done as she was told, hesitantly stepping forward until she was in line with the criminals.

The eldest looked towards her with a cocky grin, licking in his lips as she stood quietly beside them.
"What? You want me to put on a show and show this whore a good time before I die? I suppose I've got another round left in me." The criminal snickered as he began making obscene facial expressions, licking his tongue repeatedly which made (Y/n) cower with fear.

(Y/n) rushed to hide behind Sukuna, gripping her fingers onto his kimono with fear, her head peaking out from behind the lord's arm. Uraume gasped as the girl laid her hand on Sukuna, her eyes going wide with shock. Sukuna looked down at (Y/n)'s tiny hand, gripping onto the white fabric of his kimono with pure terror, tembling not because she feared Sukuna, but because she feared these two criminals. By their gritted teeth and loud groans, Sukuna guessed that they could feel her fear too.

The man couldn't help but burst into loud obnoxious laughter.
"So it seems like...what was her name again?" Sukuna cut himself off as he looked over at Uraume who had her hand held over her chest with pain.
"(Y/n), sir." She answered with a clenched jaw. Uraume currently felt like someone was clawing at the veins around her heart, with little needles sticking into her one by one. Fear was painful.

"So it seems like little (Y/n) here would rather have her hands incinerated for touching me than bed any of you imbeciles. I think that says a lot about that size of your cocks, don't you think?" Sukuna grinned, amusement in his eyes. The men did not reply, or more like could not reply while feeling all the pain that (Y/n)'s cursed technique provided.
"(Y/n)." Sukuna suddenly said, making her eyes snap up to him.

"Yes, my Lord." She replied softly.
"One of your cursed aura techniques allows you to determine whether a person is lying or not, correct?" He asked the girl, making her pause.
"Y-yes, my Lord." She stuttered out, her grip on Sukuna's kimono tightening.
"Good. I am going to ask these men some questions, and you are going to tell me whether or not they are telling me the truth. Do you understand me?" Sukuna asked the girl, his brow raised.

(Y/n) pursed her lips as she nodded in response. Sukuna glowered down at her as he grabbed her by the chin and painfully forced her to look up at him, his grin on her chin tight and crushing.
"Words, brat." He demanded.
"Yes, my Lord." (Y/n) replied through squished cheeks, trying not to noticed how Uraume was now holding her jaw tightly with immense pain.

Sukuna then released (Y/n)'s jaw and then grabbed her instead by the back of her kimono. He lifted her up and dropped her beside him, closer to the criminals, while forcing her to let go of his white kimono in the process.
"Now, tell me. Did you or did you not break onto temple grounds to steal from me?" Sukuna asked the criminals. The three of them looked at eachother nervously, before making eye-contact with (Y/n) and then Sukuna again.

"No, we didn't." The eldest said, feigning confidence. Sukuna raised his brow challengingly before looking at (Y/n) who looked up at him nervously.
"That was a lie..." She whispered, telling him the truth. When someone lied in her presence, their aura would turn red. Only she could see a person's aura, which essentially looked like a see-through mist that encased everyone.

Sukuna then tutted his teeth with disappointment as he looked back at the criminals. He then clicked his fingers and set fire to theam who lied to him- only for three seconds which was enough to give him a few serious burn. The man screamed loudly as his skin bubbled, making (Y/n) gasp as she took a step back. Fear dancing within her and therefore out into everyone in the room also.

"Yes! Yes! We did steal from you!" The middle brother yelled, correcting their earlier lie. Sukuna smirked victoriously.
"And how many times did you break onto my land?" Sukuna asked.
"Once!" Kaito immediately answered, his aura turning red in (Y/n)'s eyes.
"Lie." (Y/n) whispered, making Sukuna snap his fingers again and call back his flames. Kaito then received the same treatment as his brother, three seconds of burning as if he were in hell.

"Damn it, Kaito! She knows when we lie so just say the damned truth!" The middle brother seethed angrily. "We've broken onto your land twice." Sukuna hummed in thought, nodding.
"And what is it you've stolen from me?" Sukuna continued to ask.
"Eight scrolls on forbidden jujustu and reversed techniques." The more matured brother admitted. But although his aura was void of lies, his brothers aura flashed red guiltily.

"Lie." (Y/n) whispered, making the man's brows furrow with confusion.
"What the hell? No, I'm not! We stole four scrolls the first time and another four the second!" The middle brother yelled defensivly, making Sukuna's brow raised. As far as Sukuna could tell, the man was telling the truth.
"Lie." (Y/n) said again, her eyes flickering to the youngest brother who kept his gaze on the floor.

"This bitch! Are you deaf? I said I'm telling the truth!" The middle brother yelled, his veins popping out in his neck from the anger he was feeling.
"No, Raichi...I also stole two cursed objects. I didn't tell you guys so you wouldn't make me give them to you." Kaito admitted, his eyes on the ground. "And we actually stole nine scrolls...not eight." Sukuna's brow raised with suprise as he looked over at (Y/n).

"Interesting...you not only can tell when someone is withholding information but also that they are lying even when they think they're telling the truth." Sukuna mumbled with a smirk. (Y/n) purses her lips as she looked down at her feet, praise gnawing at her chest. She'd never felt so seen before when it came to her cursed technique. Sukuna chuckled as he then turned his attention back to the criminals.

"And where have you fools taken my possessions?" Sukuna asked demandingly, making the eldest sigh.
"They're hidden in a box in our home at the Kitsumi Village." The eldest admitted, hoping that his cooperation with Sukuna would save his life. Sukuna then turned his gaze to (Y/n) who nodded in confirmation.
"Truth." She mumbled. After that confirmation, Sukuna clicked his fingers and all three men were then sliced into four equal strips.

(Y/n) gasped loudly with terror, stumbling back until she'd fallen to the floor as blood splattered across her face. Her heart beat erratically, her breathing uneven. Those men were just alive...and now they were dead. She could see their brain. And if she laid frozen any longer, their blood would touch her scandal and soak her kimono. Sukuna grit his teeth as her fear spread to him, making him grip onto his chest.

"Fear...such a disgusting emotion." Sukuna hissed through clenched teeth. "I think next time, I'll make you cover your eyes." Sukuna muttered with a grimace, making (Y/n) quickly turn to him with widened eyes.
"Next time?...wait, does my aura affects you too?" (Y/n) then asked, realising the depth of Sukuna's words.

Sukuna narrowed his eyes at her before turning to Uraume, ignoring her question.
"Uraume, you are in charge of making sure nothing scares the girl. I refuse to feel her disgusting fear again. If she gets scared beyond this point, I will hold you responsible every time. Do you understand me?" Sukuna asked, making Uraume nod stoically as she replied,

"Yes, my lord."

(A.N ~ That was a long chapter. Wow.)

Chapter 14 Quote Teaser :

"Come to think of it, you dared to touch me earlier. I believe that means you are owed another punishment."

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