Chapter sixteen

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Peter couldn't get enough breath as he tried to stand up. His chest felt bruised, and his head felt broken. His mind shattered. Red ran up to him she was talking, but Peter's ears were still ringing. She grabbed his arm. Even though it was gently, he still winced. She gave him a look of pity and then followed the blood up his arm to the wound in his shoulder. The bullet had barely grazed him, but it still felt painful and sore. A little misty red light lit up her palm. She moved her fingers in a crisscross manner as if she were sowing up his wound. which was to his amazement she was! The misty light coated the wound, and his skin began to grow back till his shoulder was good as new. Well, it's still a little stiff, but still. 

 He looked at her in amazement. " How when did you?" Red gave an innocent smile. " You learn a lot about yourself when you can't sleep." She said with a shrug. Xavier was still in shock he sat in a pool of blood! Magmas blood she was twenty-two. Survived longer than most had. He was sad to see her go. Peter walked over to him and offered his hand. Xavier looked up at him a distant look on his face. When he saw Peter, his face lit up. " Ok, you've got questions." Xavier stood up." I've got a whole freaking quiz." Xavier said. Red was healing Racer. 

He did not look good at least two bullet wounds. He looked tired and ragged. Racer was one of the few in Kings gang who Peter liked. He was somewhat remorseful. Kind. Overall, it is not very annoying and obnoxious like all the others. He was glad to see he was okay.  King came up to them. " At least fifty dead who knows how many injured. " What just happened l-why are those things killing us?" Xavier asked. Peter knew how he felt to ask those same questions. " Come on, Racer needs actual medical attention, and Xavier and Peter, you both have a few broken bones, and once the shock where's off, you're gonna feel it." Red said. Peter could already feel it building like a tidal wave. " Xavier, I promise all your questions will be answered there, Jacob helps King gather all the wounded. Hopefully, we have enough medical supplies." Jacob nodded and walked off with King.  

 The walk to the make shift hospital was slow. Racer could barely walk, and Red worried he had internal bleeding. Xavier was still very much in shock and didn't seem to be in too much pain. Peter's ribs, on the other hand, were in searing pain. Reminding him ever breath that they were very much broken. Their hospital was really just a run-down doctors office. It didn't have anything that would cure serious injury. Racer was the main priority, but Red did stop to give him and Xavier some pain meds. The medicine helped sure ot made his world a little fuzzy, but gods, it was worth it. Xavier looked like he was about to burst he needed answers so badly. " Ok, listen at any given time during any night those things the exterminator they call them selves will come and attack they fire 10 rounds each and there are ten of them. We don't know why but the Elders send them to....kill us. And we don't know why." A look of understanding came over Xavier. " that's why everyone here's just kids no ones lives that long." No one's lived past forty. They say we kill each other but we rarely do it's those things that kill us." Red came out woth a tray full of bloody cloth and two bullets." He's in a drugged sleep there was no internal bleeding thank the gods cuse if there had been I'm not sure he would have  made it." She used her telekinesis to wrap a gauze around Xaviers ribs. Then asked him to go sit with Racer seeing as he wouldn't be as injured as he was if Xavier had helped him. Xavier went no rebuttal head hung low guilt practicly radiating off him. 

" you really shouldn't be so mean to him anyone would have done the same." I know that's what makes me mad not at Xavier but that they make us feel so vulnerable like we need to hurt each other to get by." Red didn't use her telekinesis to wrap his gauze. Instead she wrapped it slowly around his waist and chest. Peter was always at a loss for words around her. Her touch made his breath hich and his voice all high and squeaky. She pinned the gauze but her hands didn't leave. Instead they moved up and down his waist. He knew they shouldn't they had other stuff that needed to get done but he couldn't find the strength to tell her to stop. Before he knew it her lips were on his neck slowly kissing up and down. She always knew exactly what to do and very soon found his sweet spot making him moan a little. She moved up his jaw and to his lips. She pinned his shoulders to the back of the chair as she sat on his lap. Her kisses were soft but passionate. Making him crave more. He was never one to take control in these types of things wich was fine for her. She wanted to be in charge. Her wall of hair made for a bit of privacy. How long they kissed he didn't know they only broke apart cuse someone cleared there throte behind them. 

There stood King looking rather uncomfortable. Peter could feel the blood rush to his cheeks. What and idiot he must look like. " I'm uh sorry to interrupt but I wanted to see Racer." Red didn't look embarrassed in the slightest in fact she looked proud. Still on top of Peter her eyes giving the faintest red glow like they always do when she's excited. " Oh sure though I'll worn you he's pretty drugged up." She pecked Peter on the lips then look way to good disappeared down the hall. Peter looked shocked and King couldn't help but laughing. " Man I'm really sorry I interrupted not everyday the hottest girl here kisses you." His words made Peter blush harder. Gods she always made him a freaking mess. But she'd gone way far this time they'd never done more then a quick kiss when no one was looking. He went to try and find Jacob and see what help he could be. 


Haha yall didn't see that coming. But yeah Red is not only a total player but in love with Peter. And Peter while madly in love with Red is like really shy and awkward when it comes to romantic things. Wich is funny cuse his power allows him to always look super put together so yeah more to come on those two.

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