Chapter fourteen

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Xavier was so tired. Like words could not describe just how tired he was. Peter was once again telling the truth when he said Jacob would want to know more. The kid was a year older than Xavier but looked like he could be fourteen. He was almost a whole foot shorter than Xavier and was small and lanky thing. His black hair stuck up, and his sharp features made him look sorta elf like. 

He's a molecule shifter( which is different from a molecule bender. Molecule shifters move molecules subconsciously. They don't realize they're even doing it till it's done. Molecule benders know they are and can only move molecules that make solids.)

The small man hit Xavier with rapid fire questioning. Xavier didn't want to give anything away, but the boy was somewhat persuasive. Still, Xavier told them very little. Really, just the truth. Now they were on their way to what they call Red's Basket. It's where the two lead groups ( King and his gang and Peter and his boys) meet in peace to eat and fellowship. Xavier was confused and had to ask Perter, "How is it that these groups fight but can all eat and be marry  together?" Peter looked at him with that oddly playful smile and said " To show them they haven't won." And that was all. Who hadn't won. King? No that doesn't make any sense. Why dose everyone speak in riddles? Xavier groaned to himself. 

Xavier saw the first boy who spoke to him when he first met King. There was a large fire in the middle of the circular space. The light reflected of his tan skin making him glow like a dying ember. " Peter late as always." The boy said smiling but it was rather tight. Peter looked calm as always when he answered " Racer you should know by now I'm never late everyone eles is simply early. " The boy Racer only grumbled in response as they all walked through. 

Red's Basket was huge and had a unfinished mural on the lagest wall right in front of them. The mural was rather beautiful even in its unfinished state. It depicted a woman in a red cape holding out a basket full of food and drink to a wolf. The wolf was still missing most his back side and one of the apples still needed to be red. The beautiful girl who had spoken to him about King asked "Do you like it?" Xavier nodded his head yes." Its some of the most beautiful art work I've ever seen." Wich was true the angles and colors it really was beautiful. She smiled " I'm glad that things my baby." Xavier turned to her rather shocked. " You did that." She simply nodded her head. He then noticed she held a basket in her hands it looked just like the one in the painting but instead of food it had art supplies. " I didn't formally introduce myself earlier but I'm Red." Is that a nick name?" Yes many of us changed our names once we got here. Many Mach it to there ability. Like Racer he's a levitater so he thought it fit." 

He wanted to talk more but some one grabbed his shirt from behold lifting him off the ground. "Well well well look who it is." Said Kings Familiar gruff voice. Red turned around to face him " Put him down King." But King ignored her "wasn't very smart of Peter to leave you all alone with out his protection." Who said I need his protection!" Xavier made a dagger out of shadows but before he could strike King he hard Red scream" NO!"

His mind was filled with fog. It was thick and red like blood. It sent a chill down his spin. He had to get away from it. So he ran as far and and fast as he could. But when he looked up he was in Red's Basket. Red was there but her dark hair was floating above her head and there was a red aurora that surrounded her but it was fading. Peter was there next to her trying to call her out of whatever trance she was in. Racer was leaning over a collapsed King who was screwed in agony. Racer shoke him and pleaded him to stop. Jacob ran up to Xavier asking a million questions at once but Xavier couldn't answer. He was terrified and in pain. But he had to run. From what though. He went to the only thing that gave him comfort anymore. But the shadows didn't help. No matter how many he wrapped around himself he was still so scared. Letting the shadows go he had no more strength. King was still crying out in agony and Racer had his head in his hands crying. No sobbing hysterically. The ground around Jacob was sticking up in defensive walls around him and he was collapsed in a little ball o the ground. Peter was still shaking Red but he was also looked like he was in pain. Grunting and grabbing at his stomach. And Red. She looked so powerful. Her hair still floating above her head the red aurora Xavier thought was dying just became stronger. It was so bright it made the fires glow look dim. Something sharp stabed at Xaviers stomach and he cried out in pain. Xaviers vision began to blur and all he saw was Peter make a fist. And punch Red square in the jaw.

The the pain and fear left as fast as it came. Xavier was on the ground gasping for air. King was still on the ground he to was gasping. Racer was in a coughing fit and Jacob was trying to dry his tears. Peter was also on the ground and was breathing heavily and for the first time ever look disheveled. Red was to was on the ground. She was unconscious and a bruise was already forming around her jaw. Peter was looking at her but not out of fear but sadness. King pulled himself to his feet. He tried to look strong but the tear streaks on his face and the way he shrank away from Red as she began to steir made it hard. Red's eyes flutterd open and Peter helped her stand. Apologizing for the bruise on her jaw. She shrugged it away and apologized to him that she lost control. " What are you?" Xavier asked. He didn't mean to it just slipped out. " I'm a dreamer " Red replied. " No dreamers aren't that strong there dreams aren't that vivid they don't give emotions like that." Xavier said. She mearly shrugged. King dipped his head and said " I'm sorry for picking the fight none of this would have happened if I'd stayed quite." He was addressing all of them but looked right at Peter. No one could replie. The light of the fire was gone only the light of the little crescent moon gave them light. "Wha" Xavier couldn't finish his question before the shooting and screaming started.

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