Chapter Nine

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Xavier was in shock. What on earth had Farthorn ment? He'll know? Know what? What what is he supposed to know. And find him he's gonna be locked up here till he dies. How can he find him? Xavier hadn't realized he was walking. He looked down at his key card. House 3c. He saw section 3 and figured that was a good place to start.                                                                                                                      He passed what he realized was a town square. There were shops and store fronts set up all around, but they all looked abandoned. "Hey hey yall new fish." Xavier heard someone call out. It was a tall boy he had tan skin and close cut blond hair. "Do we now. " a gruff voice said. A man at least six feet tall rose from the shadowed ally. The afternoon sun reflected off his dark skin. Dreads dyed different colors hung to his shoulders. " Well, new fish, what's your name?" Xavier squared his shoulders and asked," What's yours? " The man laughed it was rough and kinda scary, but Xavier held his ground."All you need to know is I'm in charge." "Well boss you think he'll cut it?" The other boy asked.  A new voice rang through the air "Nah look at him he's the size of a toothpick." Xavier wanted to deny it, but that would be a stupid lie. "Well, new fish, what's your talent?" The man asked. "I will only give you information if you give me information!" He replied. Xavier saw the man features twist with anger before he knew it. The man had his throat. Xaviers back hit something cold and hard. And the man squeezed his throat tighter, lifting him off the ground. " Listen to me, boy! I'm in charge, and nobody who disrespects me lives you hear! And you twice have disrespected me so now..." he squeezed his throat harder, making it very hard to breathe. 

    Xavier clawed at the man's massive hands but didn't do anything.  He felt some tug on his hand, and he grabbed it. A question popped up in His head "What will get you out of this?" Instantly "A dagger." He thought. And out of the shadows, he held a dagger formed. He immediately plunged it into the man's hand. Instantly, the man let go howling in pain. As blood streamed out of his wound. Xavier fell to the ground, grasping his throat and coughing. The man looked at him, shocked. " How did you?" Xavier shook his hand frantically, trying to find his voice."I don't know it just happened."Just happened, why you little..."

    "King!" Instantly, the man stopped coming for Xavier and looked up. A boy mabey eighteen stood twenty or so feet away. He had an accent. Xavier was pretty sure it was British. He was about Xaviers size, maybe a little taller. He had pale skin and dusty brown hair and unnaturally green eyes. " Stay out of this Peter it's none of your business." "Oh King shouldn't you know by now that everything that happens here is my business, and that boy is coming with me." King shook his head, but this time, when he was for Xavier, he punched himself. As did all of his lackeys. After that, they just stood still. 

      Peter smiled then turned to Xavier "Well you coming?" Xavier stumbled his way to his feet, running to cach up with the boy. "You're a mind controller, and that man King is a teleporter." "Yes and yes, your name is?" " Uh Xavier." "Huh, and I'm guessing you're a shadow bender. " Xavier nodded his head. "One of the most powerful ones I ever saw. The way you made that shadow dagger so cool." Xavier shrugged his shoulders. "Alright well your part of my crew, and if you have an issue with that, remember I did just save your life." Xavier looked up at the boy."Why did you save me? And what do you mean by crew?" There are two lead groups here, King and his gang and me and the boys,and don't let the name fool you. We have girls." And I saved you cuse it's the right thing to do." Xavier looked at him, thinking, trying to decide if he should trust him. Peter snached his key card and tossed it up, caching it with ease." Now come on, let's find your house."

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