Chapter Ten

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"Here we are, house 3c."Everything's you need should be in there. I'm sorry you don't get your own stuff, but a lot of the time, they do try to pick cloths and colors you like." Xavier looked at Peter's army green jacket. Under it, he wore a black t-shirt and pants and chestnut brown boots. "You like green." Xavier said.  Peter looked down at his jacket and smiled. It was oddly innocent and child like. Especially for someone who can control someone's actions. "I'll come and get you around five so you can meet the gang. And just a warning Jacob's gonna want more than just your name." With that, Peter left.

   Xavier opened the door it wasn't by any means big, which was fine. He wasn't picky. There was a small black sofa and a haloscreen mounted to the wall. To the left, there was a small kitchen and to the right a hall. Walking down it, he found the one and only bedroom. A bathroom and closet. True to his word, there was a closet full of shirts and pants and shoes. And any other things he'd need. 

     Ok......think. So much had happened in the last what hour? How had it only been an hour. I mean, it's been more since he was made a shadow bender, but still, that was only what a day ago tops."Uhg," he tried not to think about Vika or his parents. Or the fact that he had almost died after five minutes of being here.

         Or if he should trust this Peter guy. Yeah, he had saved his life, but why? And now he was part of his crew. What if he didn't want to be? Sure, Peter seems a lot better than King, but most mind control were charming and smart it's part of how they control you. And Peter definitely fit that bill the calming way he spoke,the playful look in his unnaturally green eyes. The innocents in his smile. He was trustworthy and kind at least he seemed to be and that's what made him dangerous. 

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