Chapter Twelve

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Xavier heard a knock on his door that pulled him out of his dreams. Or maybe nightmares would be a better trem. He thew on his jacket and went to the door. True to his word, there was Peter. He wore the same clothes. And had a playful grin across his lips. "Hope I didn't wake you." He said. Xavier just shook his head, mumbling. " No, you're good." Peter pointed to the door nob " word from the wise. Use the lock unless you want to die in your sleep. Or worse." What could be worse than death?" Xavier asked. Peter gave him a synthetic look. But it only lasted for a moment. Instead, he replaced it with a smirk and said, " I would explain it, but we all have enough nightmares to go around. " It was meant to be a joke, but there was a heaviness to his words.

Peter led him to the south side of town. It was just as run down as every other place in this town. Xavier didn't mind the ghetto. In fact, he felt more at home there. Nothing fancy he could break or stuck up people he would offend. They stopped at an old beat-up opra house. Peter knocked on the door, and an eye slit opened. Two blue eyes stared back at Them. "Whispers at the hanging tree." Peter said. The door opened, and Peter walked in. With an unnatural amount of swagger. Peter looked at him. " You coming?"

They walked down a dark hall, and Xavier was about to ask how much longer when he saw a flicker of light. For some reason, his body hated it, and he wanted to shrink back into the darkness, but he pressed on. A moment later, he heard voices. All laughing and yuckin' it up. " Hey hey look who's back." A boy called. Everyone turned their head to look at Peter. "And he brought the new fish with him." A girl with blond hair called.  She had a fire tattoo down her arm. "Pyro," Xavier thought.  He wanted to get a feel for everyone. "Yeah and I expect all of you to be nice ,though he can take care of himself he stood up to King." Peter said. "But did he win?" A angelic voice asked. All heads turned to her. She was gorgeous. She wore a casual red dress. Her hair was so dark it was almost black and fell in waves to her butt. But her eyes. They were amber. With a odd tint of red. She was leaning up against the wall looking right at him. Peter chuckled nervously and replied "No he was about to get his head banged in." Everyone erupted into laughter. Expect for Peter and surprisingly the girl. She rolled her eyes " And wich of you have stood up to King?" They all fell silent. She looked back to Xavier " That's stupid but brave. Unfortunately here the brave don't survive." 

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