Chapter Three

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They all moved to the table. Why did her brother have to be so different. Now she couldn't say he didn't look good. Xavier always killed the messy look. She was a bit jealous of that she had to do her hair and apply a little makeup to feel pretty. Xavier just walks out of bed, and that's it. No process, no plan, just throws on a shirt and that jacket and calls it a day.

" Well, what do you kids think you'll get? I mean, we light have many different abilities to choose from. " That was true. Most of the light were light benders, pyrotechnics,season changers, or telepaths. which was a lot considering the honest only have Empath. 

" Well, um, I was hoping for light bender like you guys. "Vika responded. "And you Xavier,"their father pressed." Umm, I guess I could see myself as a pyrotechnic,  but I really don't know. "

They could all feel how forced it was because the only ability Vika could see Xavier having was shadow bending. And only the dark and wayward have that. There was nothing wrong with being dark but being a wayward..... wayward are the outcasts, the ones that don't fit into any group. They are dangerous, and if your child is a wayward, it brings shame to your family. But that was only where the nightmares began. All wayward have dangerous abilities, and most are abused and taken advantage of. Sadly, most wayward die early on. And whenever another faction need something of questionable legality done, they go to the wayward. It's so bad that the wayward moto is that only those who change what they are will survive. 

Thinking of Xavier like that was terrible it was abominable. The breakfast went quickly, and before she knew it, they were off. Not many people turned sixteen that day, just her, Xavier, and a few other people. The others went by slower than she thought. One girl became honest, and she almost broke down feeling her parents' emotions for the first time. Then a boy went, and he became a season changer, and they all watched as he made it snow in summer. 

Then it was her turn. Surprisingly, her parents looked calm. Her brother was the one who looked nervous, but that could be for himself he was going next. She stepped up on to the platform. It lifted her up, and she saw a sun shine bright above her head. She was a light! She saw a blue sash flot down into her hand. Instantly, voices screamed her brain. All saying the same thing, she was a telepath. 

It took almost five minutes for the voices to subside, and she was watching her brother step up. She hoped he had as good of luck as she. He stepped on to the Platform, and when it had lifted him up, an arrow shined above his head. The revelation was like a punch to the gut. Her brother was a wayward!

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