Chapter Five

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Vika was still trying to process it all as Principle Farthorn led them to an upstairs room. Just a few minutes ago, she was so happy. She was a Light, and she had manifested into a telepath. It is one of the rarest abilities. But as always, Xavier had to ruin the moment. 

"Here the transport will be here soon, but I'll stall them if you need more time." Principle Farthorn said. Vika was great full for that because she had lots of things to say to her dear brother. 

The room was lovely. Four velvet armchairs. A lage window that filled the room with afternoon light. Her mother and father sank into two of the armchairs. And Vika took the one by her mother. Xavier reluctantly took the last one. Xavier was wrapping the string from his jacket around his finger. His nervous habit. 

Nobody said anything. So Vika broke the silence. " Why?"Xavier looked at her and asked,"Why what?" Vika rolled her eyes and said," Why do you have to be so different?" " Like why can't you be like everyone else just act normal!" Vika looked to her parents, and they were nodding along with her. Seeing their support made her go on." Like everything was perfect. I was a Light I manifested into a telepath! I had a chance to become a chef scientist like I always wanted!" She was standing now  and yelling at Xavier like she never thought she would. But she didn't care he deserved it! " Don't you realize the shame you've put on us, don't you get how hard I will have to work to show people I'm not like you. All because you're a mistake!!!" The look on Xaviers face almost broke her heart. She didn't mean to call him a mistake. It had just come out. But she didn't need to be a telepath to know. Everyone was thinking it. As sad as that sounds, he technically was a mistake. That's what wayward are. People who fit nowhere. But Xaviers hurt expression didn't last. His sharp features twisted into a scowl. And the room grew a bit darker. 

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