Chapter Thirteen

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Vika had butterflies in her stomach as she left his office. She saw Jay walking in. He must have seen he huge smile cuse he stopped her and asked, " Good news ?" She nodded. " I got it." Congrats, Miss Vika. I hope to see you there." He said all formally that made Vikas heart skip a beat. She died her head and replied and to you, Mr Jay." She slpied past him toward the door. She couldn't help herself. She turned back and took a glance over her shoulder he was smiling at her. It was somewhat dazzling. Then he turned and went down the hall. 

She could have taken a transport home but it was a short walk and it was a beautiful day. She was so happy happier than she thought she would be after everything that's happened. She was in like really in. Internet L.S.L. And beound that she was what. Surely not in love. What came before that? Why was she even thinking about this? He was a boy she met for two seconds that she would probably never see again. But then I small, quite thought creeped in saying. " You've got the internship, and you have studied so hard you can't not succeed. So why can't you think one guy is cute?" I mean, it was true everything was up from here. Mabey, it was time she thought about her future in a less scientific way. It was a new concept. She missed every school dance so she could work on her grades. Maybe this would be good for her. No, she was thinking too hard about this. It was one guy who cares.

She saw her house and...A light government hover. She knew this was coming, but it still put a sour taste in her mouth. She opened the door and crept in quietly as she could. She opened her thoughts up to theirs. Her mother and father were both frazzled messes. Her mother was ready to cry, and her father was saying many words he they would definitely find offensive. They were sitting at the dining room table. 

The two men whore sky blue coats a blazing sun on there shoulders. It was impossible to tell how high in the light government they were. Without seeing their badges. But with how her parents looked, she figured pretty high. "Listen, Migil, you have been loyal to the light for years,and that's the only thing keeping you in your position." But we need to know what went wrong?" The man on the right asked. Her father opened his mouth to answer but was cut off by her mother. Her voice was raged her face still stained by tears. "What do you mean What went wrong?" Her face was calm but the words were spat like poison. The mam on the right answered. " Ms Sunclove we all know something went wrong, your son has been different since the day he was born he's not like us and we can only think he's broken in this way due to his home life." Vikas mother stood up and slammed her hand on the table "My Son Is Not Broken He's Fine How He Is And Him Being A Wayward Doesn't Change That!" She was crumpled over the table sobbing hysterically into her hand. The man on the left stood to steady her. " I'm sorry Ms Sunclove we meant no disrespect." He said gently he sounded rather young. The man on the left yanked the young man down to his chair. " Listen, woman, there is something wrong with your son. That's why he's a wayward!" 

That was the last straw Vika walked out from her hiding spot. Head held high. She slammed her papers down on the table her father and mother gaping at her. She looked at the rude man. He was at least fifty and had a higher rank then the other man. He was mabey twenty. Strawberry hair that fell to his eyes. And he looked sad. But Vika didn't care. She turned to her parents letting her fury full her smile. "Oh mother father I have the most wonderful news." The older man stood up " Now see here young lady this is an important government meeting an-" Vika cut him off thrusting giggling and giddiness to her voice. "Oh I went to the registration office today and I saw the Dr who was in charge of the L.S.L internship. After a short interview with me he said I would be a perfect candidate. He told me to be there Monday bright and early. I'm an L.S.L intern!" Her parents were speechless no doubt proud it was practically radiating off them. Her mother grabbed her and hugged her so tight " I'm so proud of you. " She whispered. But Vika wasn't done. She turned to face the man. "I guess it doesn't matter what happens to a family or where one sibling dose cuse there will always be someone that fixes it. I plan on being the best scientist L.S.L has ever seen. So it will never matter what my brother is because I'm not him!" The man grumbled grabbing his hat. "This search has shown me you are a family still completely loyal to the light and will continue to service as so." He sighed shaking his head. The young man tuned to Vika " Nice speech" he said trying to suppress a laugh. But he failed the other man spun around " Fine Kenny if that's how you want it you can walk back to HQ." With that he stormed out. Kenny's smile was gone replaced with frustration and a small bit of panic. "Well at least it's a nice day." Vika deadpan. Kenny glared at her "Oh yeah real nice it's on thirty miles away. " Oh well here." Vika reached in her pocket and grabbed a few dollars.  " Oh I can't. " he said. "No please" she said. " It is kinda my fault your in this predicament." He was reluctant to take it but he did. " I'll pay you back I swear. " Vika just nodded. Her parents came up. Kenny looked to them. " I'm sorry about Xavier we always got along great." You met?" Her father asked. " of course we both worked at Mr Okens. " it was a bit of a shock to them all Xaviers had worked. Not that it changed anything. Kenny dipped hid hat "well good day, and uh, thanks for the cash. I'll pay you back as soon as I can. "  With that, he left. Her parents turned to her. " You really got it?" Her father asked. Vika nodded her head excitedly. They both hugged her. Her mother whipped her hands on he skirt and said, " I'm making a special dinner tonight to celebrate our daughter's future. " Vika liked the sound of that." Celebrate her future. "

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