Chapter one

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Okay....deep breaths.....nothing will go wrong... there is no way you and he will be separated your twins. Twins are never separated. Vika put that on repeat in her head. As she showerd and brushed out her dirty blonde hair. Why was she so worried about this she didn't know. Everyone around her promised she and her brother's futures were bright. But she had a bad feeling.  Slipping on a bright teal dress and Dimond encrusted heels just reminded her how bad their chances could be.

Vika and her brother Xavier may be twins, but they were two very different people. Vikas was cheerful and colorful. Her things were always neat and has always been a straight A student..... Xavier, on the other hand, was dark, always wherein dark clothes. She couldn't remember the last time he passed a test. But she still loved him. And he was her younger brother. Sure, only by an hour, but still, seeing him be taken away would break her heart. 

But the sad truth is he doesn't belong in The Light. Even though her entire family is Light and she probably would be to,Xavier just didn't fit the bill.

Her mother came in and hugged her. "Good morning dear, I just wanted to see if you were awake, but of course you are your brother on the other hand..." She rolled her eyes. " Well, I better go make sure he gets up. Goodbye, love." Just more proof Vika had a reason to worry. Xavier may have bought in to all the lies that everyone was feeding him,but Vika hadn't. She just hoped she was wrong. 

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