Chapter Eleven

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Vika went to the registration office. The line was long, like really long. She went over what was about to happen, the best case scenario, to worst. Best she would intern at L.S.L. ( Light scientific labs) Worst, she would be told no because of Xavier being a wayward. Then, she'd be forced to do something small. Like teach 5th grade science or something. 

A tall boy walked in and stood in line next to her. She hated herself for finding him rather cute considering everything. She had no time for such thoughts. But she couldn't help but steal a glance.  He was tall, much taller than her. His olive skin was striking next to his platinum blond hair. He had deep blue eyes and soft features. 

She kicked herself as the line moved up. She thought it was her imagination, but he was looking at her. "Your Light." He said. She looked down at her sun pin and giggled. Giggled, really. " Oh yeah, my whol-" She couldn't say her whole family was cuse they weren't. " Me and my parents are." " What are you in line for?" He asked. " I want to intern at LSL." She replied. His face lit up. " I do too." He said rather giddy. 

She had to have looked confused he was definitely older than her. He must have seen her confusion cuse he said, " I've been trying for a couple of years now, but I'm finally ready." Are the internships that hard to get?" She asked panic, rising up in her chest. "No, I just didn't have all my credits done when I came of age."Oh," She said, her panic dispersing.  She, however, did have all her credits and then some.  She was ready. Her line had moved up, and she was only three people back. "Well, good luck to you." She said. "Hey, wait, I'm Jay, by the way." She smiled at him."I'm Vika." He smiled back. I hope to see you again in the labs." He said, turning back to get in his line.

After fifteen minutes. Mostly of Vika trying to figure out what had just happened. It was her turn to go. She pushed all her thoughts down. And stepped forward. The woman at the counter had deep red hair that clearly died. And she eyed Vika in a way that made her shiver. " You're here for an LSL internship. " Vika nodded her head. The woman smacked her lips. "In there." She said, pointing to a door just down the hall. Vika thanked her and headed toward it.

Vika knocked on the door and heard a voice grumble. "Come in." She opened the door and saw a middle-aged man sitting behind a desk. He had whispy gray hair and was rather pugy.  "Sit sit." He said jesturing. Toward a chair.  " Now child, I know why you're here, and I see you have worked very hard to make sure you get it,but I need to know more about you." He said. Vikas words were stuck in her throat. And she stuttered, "W-what did you want to know?" You're a telepath right, and your family is very influential in the Light, but who I want to know about is your twin brother, Xavier."

Vikas heart dropped. She knew it would come to this. She would lose her dreams cuse of him. " Well, he's my brother, and as I'm sure you can see, he's a way-ward." Her voice hitched. The man just nodded. " And how do you feel about that?" He asked. This was a test she knew it was, but how could she answer. Nothing fit, so she went with the truth. "He's my brother, and no matter what he is, I'll love him. And I can't say I wasn't angry with him,but now I realize I'm just scared. I'm scared for the day the messenger shows up and says he's dead. And I don't even want to think about what horrible things will be done to him." She was crying now, and she didn't even realize. The man just nodded, but she saw the sympathy in his eyes. He looked back at his computer and said, " Well miss Vika, you're nothing short of a genius, and I hope LSL can further your opportunities. Here's your key card I expect to see you at 9:00 Monday morning. Welcome to LSL. " 

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