Chapter 45: Trust-Building

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⚠️Trigger Warning!⚠️ This chapter of LMK: The Adventures Of Macaque And Bei Da contains mentions of past child abuse and implied divorce. If any of this makes you, The Reader feel uncomfortable, please PLEASE stop reading this chapter and wait for chapter 46. Thank you for your time, now onto the chapter.

Bei Da's vision was blurry when she woke up, but it got clearer and clearer as she got more awake. The warmth of the scarf made it hard for her to get up. How she wanted to continue sleeping in this warm lavender-scented blanket-like scarf. The child tossed and turned before falling on her face. She muttered a few swears to herself as she got up from the floor, although the scarf and blanket kept on giving her trouble when she tried to stand up.

After struggling with the scarf and blanket, Bei Da stood up and quickly realized that something was off. She was in a bedroom, but not any bedroom, it was the guest bedroom that Sandy talked about last night. Oh, and the fact that she had a blanket too was also suspicious. That river demon had put her in this room after she fell asleep! The child chucked the blanket back onto the bed in a short fit of rage.

The ex-hostess stood there, her chest quickly rising up and down. She sighed before attempting to smooth out her hair. As she smoothed out her hair, her fingers were quickly caught in curls and knots near the ends of her hair. Bei Da yanked her fingers out of her hair.

"Ow! Ow! Ow! Stupid fucking hair!"

Her hands had a few strands of hair, some were knotted in together and some weren't. She stuck out her tongue in disgust as she swatted the black strands of hair off her hands. It slowly fell to the ground like leaves falling off of branches in autumn. Bei Da stared at her gloves for a moment. She took off the black fingerless gloves and stuffed them into her pocket. She took a small glance at her hands which had two scars on each hand, one on her palms and the other one on the back of her hand. The child pulled out her ribbon from her jacket's pocket, attempting to ignore the fact that those scars even existed. The scars on her face were enough to remind her of what happened to her while she was under the Lady Bone Demon's control. She attempted to tie her hair up into a simple ponytail but failed when she realized that her ribbon wasn't a proper hair tie.

After struggling a bit, her hair was now up in a ponytail with her signature ribbon holding it in place. Her right pocket began buzzing like crazy. The constant pings and buzzes were starting to drive her crazy. The black-haired girl took out whatever was in her pocket and was about to throw it until she realized something.

It was Sandy's phone.

Sandy's phone was in Bei Da's pocket and it was buzzing with texts from whoever the hell Sandy hangs out with.

She groaned in annoyance as she turned the phone on silent mode. The pings and buzzes had stopped for now. Putting the phone back in her pocket, she left the bedroom and entered the living room.

Sandy was in the kitchen cooking breakfast. Whatever he was cooking smelt good to Bei Da. She walked into the kitchen to see what the river demon was cooking up. He was humming a song as he flipped some round things.

"Hey, what are you-"

Sandy let out a scream before realizing that it was just Bei Da.

"O-oh! it's just you Bean. You scared me for a moment!" He said with a sigh of relief.

"Uh...sorry. What are you cooking?" She asked with a head tilt.

"I'm making pancakes, would you like some?" Smoke rose from the pan as he turned around to place the pancakes on a plate. "OH BISCUITS!"

The river demon quickly turned off the stove's fire and took a small glance at the pancakes. They looked fine, but that was only the top side. So he got a spatula and flipped one of the pancakes over to see the bottom burnt.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 23 ⏰

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