Chapter 26: A Home To Pick

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"Aw, shit." Macaque groaned as he sat down on the chair.

"Hey! I promised you that I was gonna help you and this is one of them!" Chang'E said as she scooted the gaming chair next to him.

"I knooow... Let's just get this over with."

Then the quest for a home began! The first home they looked at was a one-story, two-bedroom, one-bathroom house, but the price was like 100k yuan!

"YEESH! That's a lot of yuan." The six-eared monkey exclaimed.

"Yeah, I forgot to check the price on this one. Plus it looks like a scam anyway." The moon goddess added.

"Cause of the price?"

"Nah, they used stock images."

Chang'E reported the person who was selling the "house". Then she hacked their account and deleted it. After that, they were checking home, after home and nothing caught the black-furred monkey's eye! Sure, some of the homes were nice but the price for buying it and rent were expensive, something that was out of Macaque's pay grade.

"Hey, Mac and Moony! Whatcha doing?" Bei Da asked as she walked into the room.

"Oh, hey kiddo. Me and Chang'E are just doing grown-up stuff." Macaque replied, not wanting to reveal that they were looking at hous-

"Ew, you guys are doing bills?"

That little brat fucking interrupted my narrating! Uh...*ahem* I'm not having beef with an 11-year-old, you are! Anyways, Chang'E chuckled at Bei Da's thought.

"Nah, just looking at houses for Mac N' you." The moon goddess said as scrolled through all of the houses that they already looked at for the past hour. "What are you doing, Starlight?"

"Getting a snack. Do you still have that chopped-up honeydew from this morning?" The child asked as she made her way to the kitchen.

"Yeah, it should be in the fridge."

As Bei Da opened the fridge, a new house popped up on the list. Macaque was interested and clicked on it for more information. It was a one-story, one-bedroom, and one-bathroom house. The person who was renting it out put the price at- WOAH ITS 100 YUAN?! THANK YOU PLOT DEVICE!

"Holy crap." He mumbled.

He heard some chewing next to him. Macaque looked and saw Bei Da eating the leftover honeydew in a bowl next to him. He then got an idea.

"Hey Bean, look over there!"

"Huh?" The girl said as she foolishly looked behind her.

He stole not one, but two pieces of honeydew from the child and plopped it in his mouth.

"Mac, I didn't see anything-" Bei Da then gasped dramatically and looked at her best friend with a menacing glare.

"Whaaat? Did I do something?" The smug monkey demon said with a smile.

"How dare you steal my well-deserved fruit." The child replied as she got ready to do something.

"Me? Steal your fruit? I would never!" He playfully exclaimed which earned him a weak punch on the shoulder.

The black-furred monkey chuckled as the girl began to resume eating her fruit. The moon goddess smiled softly, she would miss all of this when they left. Luckily, she gave her friend a phone and a robot to contact her. Then something popped into her mind!

"Hey Macaque, did you ever name that robot that I gave you?" Chang'E asked.


"I named it!" Bei Da proudly exclaimed before she ate a piece of honeydew.

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