Chapter 18: Help from the moon

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"Wait a minute. You're a child?" Chang'E asked as she lowered her weapon.

Bei Da stared at her in fear. She just got out of a near-death experience and now this?! Good gods, this kid can't get a break.

"Y-yes. Please don't hurt me, miss!" The child pleaded.

"Woah! Woah! I'm not gonna hurt you, little one!" The moon goddess said as she went down to her level. "Your arrival just surprised me. Say, how did you get here without a rocket ship?"

"I um...I got here with a friend of mine- WAIT! YOU GOTTA HELP HIM!"

"Huh? What's wrong with him?"

The girl looked behind her and saw the bloody unconscious body. The child scooted to the side and Macaque's body could be seen with a small puddle of blood around it. The moon goddess's eyes widened in shock.

"Macaque?" She quietly whispered.

Chang'E stared at her friend's unconscious body. How did he get like this? The better question was who did this?

"He's hurt really bad! Can you please help him?"

Without hesitation, the goddess picked up Macaque and called for one of her robots to take him inside while she went to go find medical supplies. Bei Da followed her inside and was now inside the moon goddess's home. The child went past the kitchen and smelt something delicious. She took a quick peek and saw some baozi. Her mouth started to water a bit because of how delicious they looked. Maybe she could just get one baozi to eat? No! You can't just steal food from a god or a goddess! She shook her head and tried to see where Chang'E was. The girl turned around and saw the moon goddess just observing her from across the room. The child felt a bit embarrassed and tried to avoid eye contact with the goddess, but her stomach growled loudly.

"Hehe! You can have the baozi that I made, little one!" Chang'E said with a smile.

"Oh! Okay,, wait a minute! I didn't get your name!" Bei Da asked.

"My name is Chang'E! I'm Macaque's friend."

"Cool! Nice to finally meet you, Chang'E! I'm Bei Da!"

"Nice to meet you too, Bei Da!"

The child went back into the kitchen and looked at the baozi that was on the countertop. She grabbed some of the baozi and started shoving them in her mouth. The child came out of the kitchen with a full stomach and saw Chang'E with some clean clothes in her hands.

"Huh? What are those for?" The girl asked as she tilted her head.

"These are for you, silly! I noticed that you looked a bit..erm..messy, so I started a nice warm shower for you. The bathroom is just down the hall from my bedroom." The moon goddess replied as she handed the small child the clothes.

"Oh! Thank you, Chang'E!"

"Your welcome, Bei Da."

The girl left the room and went into the bathroom. The moon goddess went into her room where her best friend's shirtless unconscious body was. Macaque was laying on his stomach and his back was Yeah, let's just say that his back had some 'ketchup' on it.

"Whoever did this to you, I'm gonna kill them!" Chang'E muttered as she started to disinfect the wound with a wet cloth.

The black-furred monkey's body attempted to get away from the cloth, but the moon goddess was not having it. She put her hand on his back to make him stay still and it worked! The shadow monkey began to groan in discomfort- WAIT A MINUTE! HE'S GROANING! THAT MEANS HE'S ALIVE! OH THANK THE STARS! THAT LUCKY BASTARD HAD SOME PLOT ARMOR ON HIM- Oh erm..*ahem* my apologies. The goddess cleaned all the dirt and residue off of his wound, so it wouldn't get infected. She grabbed some bandages and made Macaque sit up. Unfortunately, he went back down to the bed and Chang'E groaned in annoyance. She tried again which worked and started to wrap the wound up. Once that was done, she got up from the bed and checked his pulse to see if he was still alive. She put her ear to his chest and heard a couple of heartbeats. The moon goddess sighed in relief now knowing that her friend was alive. Before she could leave the room, a small groan could be heard.

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