Chapter 44: Please Don't Sleep There

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Sandy was done giving Macaque his dinner for the night. The black-furred monkey was still a bit loopy. He was acting like he just got his wisdom tooth pulled out. At least he was sleeping now. Sandy closed his bedroom door to find Bei Da sitting down near the door with Mo on her lap. Her ribbon wasn't on her head but instead was in her pocket, slightly peeking out of the pocket. Her hair was straight with a few visible knots here and there. She was petting Mo gently with a small smile on her face. Her fingers ran through the blue cat's orange mohawk as he let out a purr. As odd as it felt to see Bean so relaxed and peaceful, it would feel wrong to disturb her when she looks calm.

"Hey Bean," He spoke as she lifted her head to look at him properly. "Macaque finished eating and he's resting right now."

"That's good." She replied as she continued to pet Mo.

"Do you want me to set up the guest room for you?"

"The guest room?"

"Yeah, it's already eleven. I may not know what time you go to sleep, but I do know that a growing girl like yourself shouldn't be staying up so late!" Sandy explained with ease.

"There's no need for that. I'm sleeping right here." Bei Da answered back.

"On the floor?" Sandy questioned as he raised his eyebrow.

"Yeah, unless you got a problem with my decision."

"I wouldn't say that we have a problem. It's just that there's a guest room with a proper bed which is better for-"

"No, I'm sleeping right here. If Macaque was in the same position as me, he would have done the same thing and slept on the floor!"

Sandy stared at her, her stubbornness was unbelievable. Without any hesitation, he blurted out-

"Please don't sleep there."

"I'll sleep where I wanna sleep even if it's the floor." She spat before sitting back down on the ground.

The only thing that the river demon did was sigh in defeat. Was he this stubborn as a child just like her? Oh definitely, but not her levels of stubbornness. So instead of responding to Bei Da's statement, Sandy turned away and walked into the guest room. The child smirked as she crossed her arms in victory. She remembered something.

She didn't have a blanket.

Bei Da groaned in annoyance as she stood back up. How could she forget something like that? Using her jacket as a blanket came into her as a concept, but was scrapped. It wasn't big enough to cover her entire body, it could have worked if she held her knees to her chest as she slept. What could she use as a temporary blanket-

Macaque's scarf- cape?

Can we even call it a scarf cape?


We'll call it an extremely long scarf.

Macaque's scarf was long and big enough to use as a blanket! Besides, she's used it before as a blanket. Bei Da remembered seeing it on the nightstand next to where Macaque was sleeping.

The child opened the door and entered the bedroom. The six-eared monkey was snoring ever so loudly as she closed the door behind herself. The ex-hostess tiptoed over to the nightstand. The scarf was perfectly folded as it sat on the nightstand. As she grabbed the scarf, she heard a groan.

"Bea..Bean, dat you?" Macaque slurred out, his voice sounding groggy and eyes half open.

"Uh... yeah?" Bei Da awkwardly replied as she held the scarf close to her chest as if it were a stuffed animal.

"What is you doing up so late?"

"I forgot something here." She began to slowly rock herself back and forth. " Is it okay if I use your scarf for tonight?"

Macaque stared at her for a few seconds before nuzzling his head back onto the pillow.

"M'kay. Don't stay up late." He mumbled.

"Thanks! Good night, Mac." She whispered-exclaimed as she walked towards the door with the scarf in her hands.

"Night. I loves ya, Bean."

"I love you too, Macaque."

The child left the bedroom as she closed the door behind herself. She sat down next to the bedroom door. Her back leaned against the wall and she began to cover herself with the scarf. It was soft, cozy, and warm just like how she remembered! There was something new that Bei Da noticed was the scent. It smelled like lavender. Normally if something smelled, she would have thrown it away or put it in the laundry basket but this smell was basically a perfume. When did Macaque start wearing lavender-scented perfume?

Eh, Bei Da would have to ask him about that once he was feeling better. The ex-hostess was getting sleepier by the minute. Her eyelids started drooping as her vision began to blur. All that she could focus on was the softness and the lavender scent of the scarf. Before she knew it, she had fallen asleep. Her body slowly fell down to the wooden floor.

The guest room door opened, and Sandy walked out with a blanket and a pillow in his hands. He was about to speak until he saw the Bean Girl knocked out on the floor with Macaque's scarf covering her body. The river demon carefully walked over to her. All that could be heard was Bean's small gentle snores and Macaque's muffled loud snores from the bedroom.

"Oh, she was serious about sleeping on the floor." Sandy whispered to himself.

The river demon was about to pick her up and carry her to the guest room, but he stopped himself from doing so. The child would have yelled at the top of her lungs if Sandy were to move her from her sleeping area of choice. So he sighed in defeat and walked to the couch in the living room.

After placing the pillow, he laid down on the couch. Sandy covered himself with the blanket as Mo and a few other cats curled up around him. The ginger quickly fell asleep...





Sandy woke up, his eyes wide like dinner plates. It was still dark outside so he sat up, making a few cats wake up and stretch. He got up and went into the kitchen to check the time on the oven. It was eleven forty-five. He slept for only forty-two minutes. The river demon remembered Bean Girl, was she still sleeping on the floor? Sandy could have let it be, but the lingering thought of her sleeping on the cold floor haunted him. So in curiosity, he went into the hallway to find Bei Da still sleeping on the floor.

She kept her word. Sandy thought about continuing to let her sleep on the floor, but the idea of that didn't sit well with him. So he bent down and picked up Bei Da. It was easy to carry children for Sandy, it was like carrying a few cats but if they're a bit larger.

He carried her into the guest room and, before placing her in the bed, he moved the pillow that was on the left to the right side of the bed. Sandy carefully placed Bei Da in the bed. He got another blanket from the closet. Before he could change the scarf out for the blanket, Bei Da started to hold onto the scarf tightly and nuzzled into the pillow. The river demon decided not to remove the scarf, and instead placed the blanket on top of the scarf. He stood up and left the room. But before he left, Sandy took a glance at Bei Da, who was now sleeping ever so peacefully on the bed and not on the floor.

Sandy entered the living room. The cats were still sleeping on the couch, leaving a big space for Sandy to sleep. So he laid back down on the couch and fell asleep as some of the cats began to purr.

End of Chapter 44.

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