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Angelina's POV

It's been a whole week since Connor's injury. He's since left the hospital and has been finally cleared to play in tonight's game. I was excited for him. He can finally do what he loves, and that's play hockey. I must admit, I did have a little bit of a nervous feeling as the team skated onto the ice. What if someone hit Connor again? What if they hurt him? I watch closely as he skates around my side and gives me a wave. I smile back and bang on the glass, mouthing an 'I love you'.

The whistle sounds and the first period is underway. The only player not seen tonight, is Taylor hall. He was kicked off the team for the rest of the year after what happened to Connor. It later came out that he had done it because of our relationship and the hatred he had towards Alex for leaving him. From what I heard, he had tried defending his actions, but coach didn't buy it and kicked him off right away.

I watched as the game went on, my eyes not leaving the ice for a single moment. I am pretty sure I heard the girls talking to me, but I just ignored them. Every time Connor got body checked I got scared, but I knew it was part of the game.

"Wow you're really into the game huh" Ava chuckles from beside me.

"No she's just into Connor" Alex adds with a laugh. I looked over in her direction, feeling my cheeks go red. I didn't respond, I just turned my attention back to the game. The score stayed tied at zero making me sigh. I knew Connor wanted to win. I knew the guys would. It was very stressful for them and I am sure everyone in the arena felt it.

"So, how are things with you two?" Alex asks.

"They're great actually" I smiled, feeling my cheeks heat up. I was blushing hard. I knew I was.

"Connor really likes you, Ang. I know it seems like you've forgiven him, but we know you haven't. Hopefully you can soon" Alex gives a friendly smile and I return it. I was so glad I had friends that understood me, my situation with Connor. It was as if I forgave him, but I secretly hadn't. Connor knew i still had some trust issues with him, but he never once tried to rush me or pressure me into forgiving him.

I truly loved him for that.

"It's just complicated. Part of me wants to forgive him, but the other part is just not ready" I shrugged. The girls nodded.

I stood to my feet when Connor was on the breakaway. I put my hands in my hair as a sudden wave of panic flooded through me. He raced down the ice, puck at his stick as he got closer and closer to the goalie. He took the shot, everyone stood to their feet.

The buzzer sounds.

It went in.

The crowd went wild. I went wild. I was jumping, cheering, you name it. Connor skated over to the glass where I was and flashed me a big smile. I felt my eyes water as I watched him celebrate with the team. They weren't sad tears, they were happy tears. He won it for them. After everything that happened with Taylor, he managed to get better and win it all. The arena began to clear out, the students chanting our school's name loudly as they walked out. I waved goodbye to the girls and made my way over to the locker room. I stood outside patiently waiting for Connor.

I wanted to give him the biggest hug I could possibly give. I wanted to kiss his face and congratulate him. I was so proud of him.

"Ang" I heard a familiar voice call. I ran to Connor and jumped into his arms. I wrapped my legs around his waist and kissed him all over. He laughed lightly at the reaction but kissed me passionately. I kissed back without hesitation earning whistles and cheers from the people who walked by. I suddenly saw a flash out of the corner of my eye and quickly looked over.

There stood Alex and Ava, phones in their hands as they snapped pictures. Connor and I looked at each other before laughing,

"Smile for the camera" Ava called. Both Connor and I looked over. My legs still wrapped around his waist. The flash went off.

"One more. Kiss him on the cheek" I playfully rolled my eyes at the wannabe photographers, but listened anyway. I planted a big kiss onto Connor's cheek.

The girls squealed as they took one last photo. I jumped off of Connor and stood beside him.

"Hey guys wait up" We all turned around and saw Taylor Raddysh running towards us. A smile present on his face as he walked over Alex. She gave him a peck on the cheek. We all watched in amazement knowing they really did like each other.

Anyone could see it.

I'm guessing they had noticed us staring because they immediately pulled away. We began making our way outside, chatting about different things. The cold air hit us as soon as we got outside. I shivered slightly at the sudden temperature change, but quickly adjusted. I felt Connor wrap his arm around me to keep me warm and I couldn't help but smile at his cute actions.

Suddenly someone comes running to us. We look over and see Tyler Johnson. His eyes red from crying as he held his phone up in the air. He immediately fell to the floor is sadness. We all looked each other confused, yet worried at the same time. We weren't sure what was going on.

Do we ask? Will he say it?

No one had said a word. Finally Tyler stood up off the floor and hugged Connor tightly. He wiped his eyes and looked at us,

"Taylor Hall is gone"

We all gasped.


Dun dun dun

What do you guys think happened to Taylor? Leave your guesses in the comments if you like:)

I also cannot believe we're at over 3K reads. Each and every single one of you are truly amazing!

Feel free to keep on voting, commenting and sharing.

I love you all endlessly.


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