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Angelina's POV

We arrived at the hospital not that long after the game. I held onto Connor's hand for the entire ride, not wanting to let go at all. I felt my eyes water as I looked over at my perfect boyfriend. There was a huge cut from the top of his forehead to his eyebrow, his lip was split wide open, and he had a small black eye forming. I didn't know what to think of how to feel. The perfect guy I loved with all of my heart, was in such a terrible state.

And all the blame goes to the one person he trusted the most.

I followed behind the paramedics as they wheeled him into the hospital and into an empty room. I suddenly heard yelling and was guided out of the room by a nurse. I was scared. What was going on?

I began pacing back and forth, yanking at the hair on my head in a panicking way. After a few minutes I was called into the room and saw Connor bandaged up, his lip stitched and a some IV tubes in his arms. I let out a sigh, even like this he's still the cutest boy I had ever seen. I couldn't picture my life without him in it.

Soon I heard a group of people call my name, "Angelina. Angelina". The door swung open, snapping me from my thoughts and in came Ava, Alex and Taylor. All three rushing over to where I was sitting beside Connor.

"How are you holding up?" Ava asks, placing her hand on my shoulder. I shrugged and let out a sigh. I feel hopeless, upset, hurt, and everything in between. That's what I wanted to tell her, but instead, I said nothing. It was like my brain and my mouth couldn't work together at the moment, leaving me silent.

I felt my eyes fill with tears once again as I grabbed Connor's hand in mine and gave it a small squeeze,

"Hello everyone" A man spoke as he walked into the room with his clipboard in hand. "I'm doctor Frank, and you must be Connor's friends" we all nodded in response. He looked down at his chart then back up at Connor before taking a look at him. We all watched as he checked all of the tubes and bandages, thankfully everything was okay.

Or so I hope.

"Now it seems that Mr.Bedard suffered a concussion from the elbow to the head. The fall is what knocked him out completely. His vitals look good, we just have to wait for him to wake up" The doctor explained.

"H-how long c-could tha-at take?" I ask. My words shaky and voice low.

"A day, maybe more. I am not sure" the doctor spoke, "But as soon as he wakes up, I will be right checking on things to make sure he is okay. Alright?" I nodded in response to what the doctor had just explained before quickly turning my attention back to Connor.

"Con, please wake up" I begged, clutching onto his hand. I hoped he would hear me and wake up, but he just laid there.

"He'll wake up soon Ang. We know he will" Taylor reassured, placing his hand on my shoulder. I let out a sad sigh hoping he would wake up soon.

I hoped he would just give my hand a squeeze to tell me he was alright.

"Do you want us to drive you home?" Ava asked. I looked over at her and shook my head. I didn't want to leave his side at all.

"You can't stay here, you won't sleep good" Alex spoke.

"I won't sleep well until he wakes up. I want to be here when he does" I replied, my eyes not leaving Connor's sleeping face. The bruises happened to get worse and you can now see that he has one fully formed black eye.

I looked around the room and noticed I was alone. I sighed at the peace and quiet I would have with him. I reached up and cupped his cheek, rubbing my thumb across his cold skin. I wish I could snuggle beside him, place my head on his warm chest and slowly fall asleep. His heartbeat was like a calming sound to me, making me fall asleep almost instantly. The warmth and comfort I felt when his arms were wrapped around me made me feel safe. Like I had nothing to worry about at all.

I managed to get somewhat comfortable in the chair next to Connor's bed. I know I'd have a broken back tomorrow, but I would rather deal with that than leave him on his own. What if he wakes up with no one here? I laid my head down on the side of his bed, our hands still intertwined  and slowly closed my eyes.

"I love you Connor"


Sorry for the short chapter!


Lost Smile//Connor BedardTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang