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I love this photo of Connor! Ahhhh


Connor's POV

"Connor B" My teammate Taylor Hall yells as he catches up with me. I give him a small smile and we do our signature handshake.

"What's up, T?"

Taylor smirked, I playfully rolled my eyes. Normally when he comes to find me it means that a very strange idea has popped up in his head. I love Taylor like a brother, but some of the ideas he comes up with can be very idiotic.

Especially when it comes to the ones about Angelina, my ex girlfriend. She used to be quite popular, everyone used to love her. But then her mom died and everything changed. I had walked away, not because I didn't love her, but because I couldn't handle the stress of her depression and anxiety. As bad as it sounds, I mostly couldn't handle my friends constantly mocking me for it.

Teasing me for dating the 'depressed loner' as they called her back in the locker room. I laughed at the jokes, I laughed at everything they did to her, not because I found it funny, but because I didn't want them to think I didn't get over our breakup.

My reputation would be ruined and I knew I couldn't let that happen.

"We have the best prank for Angelina. You want in?" I gave him an 'are you serious' look and shook my head. Taylor looked at me weird, "Why not? You always help us with these"

I didn't say anything.

"Dude come on. It'll be fun I promise"

"If I say yes, will you leave me alone?" Taylor smiled wide and nodded his head as we continued walking down the sidewalk.

Angelina's POV

The next morning was filled with the same bullshit as every other day was. When I arrived to my locker I had been shoved into it and yelled at by the hockey team and their girlfriends. Just this time they had managed to give me a black eye.

Go figure.

I made my way down the crowded hallway of the shit hole I called my school. Clutching my books tightly as I walked, hoping no one would see my eye or even take one look at me for that matter. I could hear the whispers of people making me sigh as I tried my best to ignore them. I make it in one piece, well somewhat, to my first period English class and sit down. The classroom is empty as I'm about 10 minutes early. Most of the students enter with their friends, but I on the other hand arrive early and of course, alone.

Nothing new if I'm being honest. The sound of the bell fills my ears and soon enough groups of students enter the room. They all come in with their friends and take a seat in every desk. The loud chatter and distinct laughter dies down when our teacher walks in with a stern look on her face.

"Good Morning class" Mrs. Louis greets. She earns a half ass 'good morning' reply from everyone in response.

Her lesson begins. Long and boring the way they always were. I have always loved English. The writing, the book reading, everything about it was so entertaining to me. Just the way our teacher's lessons go makes it a lot less fun. After about 10 minutes of her going on and on she begins to walk around the classroom handing out a worksheet, she stops at my desk and hand me one. I reach out and grab it, my sleeve rolls up a little higher than I intended for it to and Mrs.Louis' eyes go wide.

My cuts. I pulled my sleeve down as quick as I could, earning a few weird looks from other students. She lets go of the paper and mouths 'we'll talk later' before going to the person next to me.

The bell rings about a half hour later and I try my hardest to bolt out of the room, but she stops me.

"Angelina. Are you okay?" She asks, voice filled with concern. I nod my head slowly but I can tell she doesn't buy it.

"I lost my sister to suicide" she begins, her eyes fill with tears and I feel mine do the same. "If you ever need someone to talk to, I'm here" she assures. I give her a hug before grabbing my books and heading out.

Someone actually wants to be there for me? I'm shocked.

"Where do you think you're going, loner?" Taylor's voice rang in my ears making me walk faster. I ignored him.

What a mistake that was.

I soon felt my hair being pulled and I was thrown to the ground by his girlfriend Alexandra. "Don't ignore him like that, you bitch" she growled.

"I-I" I began to speak but was cut off by a hand slapping me in the face. I screamed an 'ow' hoping someone had heard me. I saw people walk by but none of them helped me.

Of course they wouldn't. Who would want to help me?

They finished their verbal and abusive treatment before walking off, leaving me laying on the floor next to my locker. After a few minutes, I stood up and wiped all of the dirt off my pants, I couldn't help but wince in pain as I did so.

"Hey are you alright?" A female voice asked. I looked up and saw a girl, it looks like it must be her first year. She's petite and has glasses, shoulder length brown hair, and her outfit consisted of blue jeans and a buttoned up flannel.

"Y-yeah I'm fine" I mumbled, making sure to thank her for grabbing my books.

"Are you sure?" I nod my head in response.

"Well I'm Ava, it's nice to meet you" she says with a smile. I smile back and shake her hand.

Someone is actually being nice to me.

Lost Smile//Connor BedardWhere stories live. Discover now