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Connor's POV

I sat in the tiny stall next to Taylor Hall, head in my hands as I mentally prepared myself for tonight's game. My body was telling me I was, but my mind was telling I wasn't. All I could think about was Angelina. Thoughts of her beautiful smile and eyes were all I could think about. I truly hoped she would come to tonight's game.

But I highly doubt it. The regret I feel for hurting her in that way has eaten away at me. I haven't talking to Taylor, nor has Taylor talked to me since I beat him up for almost punching her. I stood up for her, and it felt good. I meant every word when I told her I wouldn't stop until she forgave me. I wanted her to always know how truly sorry I was.

I love her.

"Alright team" My coach's voice snapped me out of my thoughts. I looked up and he began rambling on and on about something I wasn't even paying attention to. I just tied my skates and placed my helmet on my head as I follow the team onto the ice.

The arena wasn't full at all, but there were many many people around the arena in their school sweaters. I'm surprised people even bought school merchandise for the team. I always found it quite ridiculous if I'm being honest. I looked around the stands, hoping to catch a glimpse of Angelina somewhere with Ava. I always loved when she came to games, her support was the only one that truly matters.

"Eyes on the ice, bitch" Taylor snarled as he skated by me. I almost lunged at him for that comment. But when I got a good look at his face, I smirked. The black eye I had given him was visible, as well as the fat lip.

From the moment I stood up for her that day, Taylor hasn't looked at me the same. It's like he had developed some sort of hatred for me. Some sort of secret anger had built inside of him. He hasn't spoke to me at all. I truly didn't care if I'm being honest. He was never that good of a friend anyway.

I heard a faint banging on the glass, snapping me from the stare down I had with Hall. My eyes widened and a I couldn't help the smile that formed in my face. If I saw myself in the mirror, I would see the biggest one. There she was. My beautiful Angelina sitting in the stands with Ava. I skated over and motioned for her to come near the bench. She shook her head initially, but Ava had pulled her up and lightly pushed her over to where I was now standing.

"I'm so glad you came" I said to her. She nodded her head in response and looked up at me. Her beautiful eyes staring into mine. She didn't say a word, she just brought her hand to my cheek and stroked it gently.

"Go get 'em, tiger" She mumbled, placing a sweet kiss to my cheek before walking off to where she was sitting. I felt my cheeks get warm as I made my way to the bench. The happiness I felt knowing she was here was clearly visible.

She was here.

Angelina's POV

"You so love him" Ava teased when I sat back down in my seat. I playfully rolled my eyes in her direction. No matter how I felt about Connor, it wouldn't change the fact that forgiving him would be a difficult thing to do. I felt a mix of feelings towards him, some hatred and some love. It was a terrible feeling.

"Doesn't change that fact that it will be hard to forgive him" I state. Ava looks at me, her lips pursed as I assume she's trying to find the words to say. After a minute of silence she finally speaks, "Connor really is sorry, Ang. Don't stay mad at him forever. The smile he had on his face when saw you here made my heart melt. He loves you"

"Ava you're supposed to be my friend. How can you expect me to forgive him?" My voice was getting quieter, but I could feel my anger building up. As my friend, I would've expected her to be on my side, but instead it feels as if she chose Connor's side. He gave her a shitty sob story and now she's wanting me to forgive him.

"I am your friend, your best friend actually.I know you love him. I can see it in your eyes every time he is around. He said he isn't going to stop until you forgive him" she spoke, placing her hand on my shoulder.

"I hate seeing you upset" I let out a sigh at her words but keep my eyes fixed on the ice in front of me. The game had been filled with lots of hits, mainly from Taylor Hall and a few goals scored by Connor. I felt joy when he scored. Every time he would celly, he would always make sure to point at me, making me blush and Ava laugh as she clapped her hands.

The game ends with a 3-2 win for our school. The chants and cheers erupted loudly as the buzzer went off and the boys made their way to centre ice. They gave each other a fist bump before heading to their locker room. I followed Ava out the door, making sure to hold onto her arm so I didn't lose her in the crowd.

"Ava, Angelina" I heard an unfamiliar voice yell. We both turned around and saw Alex, Taylor's girlfriend. I rolled my eyes in disgust as Ava just crossed her arms.

"What do you want?" I snapped.

She sighed and looked down at the floor, "I-I uh wanted to apologize for the way I've treated you. After your suicide attempt, I didn't know how to feel. I blamed myself constantly. Not only for listening to Taylor, but for even going along with everything. I know you can't forgive me, but know I won't ever do any of that again" When she finished her speech she had tears in her eyes.

"That's some great acting. Maybe try it on someone else" I replied as I pulled Ava's arm and walked away. I looked back at Alex once and saw her frown as she turned around. I felt bad for my words towards her. She told me how she felt. But I couldn't believe her, what if it was all a lie?

Im suddenly snapped from my thoughts of Alex by a big pair of arms wrapping themselves around my waist. I jumped slightly and turned around to see a sweaty, but cute looking Connor standing behind me. He smiled and pecked my cheek lightly. I felt my face get warm at the contact.

"I'm gonna go. Bye Ang" Ava says quickly before running off. I roll my eyes at her for leaving me alone with Connor.

No words are shared between us. The hallways have cleared out leaving just the two of us standing in the middle of the room. My arms found their way around Connor's neck while his stayed where they were around my waist. It was a nice feeling, I felt safe. I felt as if we were the only two people on earth right now. I found myself getting lost in those gorgeous eyes of his, I reach up and place my hand on his cheek, stroking it gently. He smiles wide and places his hand over mine.

"You're so beautiful" he speaks, his voice low but loud enough for me to hear.

That's when I feel it. The feeling he's been longing for me to have again. I feel my lips curl upwards in a smile. Not a fake smile, not a sad smile, but a genuine happy smile. The butterflies erupted in my stomach as I saw his eyes widen. A look of excitement was clear on his face.

"You smiled. I made you smile" And right after he says those words, before I could even respond, his lips are against mine.

Lost Smile//Connor BedardWhere stories live. Discover now